The Langtang North Chapter of Plateau Youth Council has commended the Langtang North Local Government Council Chairman, Dr Joshua Laven Ubandoma for appointing youths into over 80 percent positions in his administration, thereby giving the youth not only a sense of inclusion, but a sense of responsibility .

In a press statement signed by the Chapter Chairman, Comrade Ponman King Danjuma and made available to newsmen by the PRO, Comrade Ponman Laven, the youth council appreciated the Local Government Chairman for running a youth centred administration, with laudable programs and projects aimed at empowering the youth, and changing the narrative of youth participation in governance.

The youth Council observed that there was never a time in the history of the local government that youth emancipation was given the desired attention than under the current administration of Ubandoma.

The youths noted that the recent provision of 500 Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) forms to qualified youths of the area, which has recoded over 70 percent success performance by beneficiaries in the 2020 JAMB examination, is a milestone achievement that earns the admiration of the youth council.

The youth expressed enthusiasm with the zeal displayed by the local government Chairman, in his efforts to contain the spread of the dreaded coronavirus pandemic in the locality. Even though there is no case recorded in the area thus far, the youth council are optimistic that no case will be recorded in the area if the proactive approach of the Chairman is reciprocated by the citizenry by observing the government approved mode of interaction among the people. According to the statement, "only a proactive chairman who cares for the wellbeing of his people will deprive himself the luxury of his bed and be passing the night at entry boarders to the local government, in order to ensure that people from places with recorded coronavirus cases are not allowed into the local government".

In the statement, the youth council attributed the peaceful coexistence of citizens within the locality to the people centred approach to governance imbibed by Dr Ubandoma in running the affairs of the local government, adding that Ubandoma has restored the confidence of the electorate on the youth as catalysts for development.

The youths pledged their support to the Ubandoma administration as a way of reciprocating his good intentions to the youths, as well as achieve his set programs and projects for the local government.