Governor Simon Bako Lalong has approved the appointment of Dr. Boniface Bakshuet Gwotbit as the new General Manager of the Plateau Publishing Corporation, publishers of The Nigerian Standard Newspapers.

Until his appointment, Dr. Gwotbit was the Director Marketing of the Corporation, and has served in the organisation for 32 years.
He has a Ph.D degree in Business Administration from Barmenda International University Cameroon and was one time Management Committee Chairman of Mikang Local Government.

Governor Lalong charges the new Managing Director to leverage on his experience and work assiduously towards repositioning the Corporation in consonance with the dream of its founding fathers and the realities of today’s competitive and dynamic publishing industry.
In particular, Governor Lalong wants the Nigerian Standard Newspapers to be revived and sustained to take its rightful place as one of the most vibrant newspapers in the country, as well as compete favourably in the media space.
He wants the new leadership to also focus on the commercial prosperity of the Corporation for self-sustenance.

The Acting Managing Director is to hand over to Dr. Gwotbit immediately and revert to her parent Ministry for further directives.

The Governor thanks her for her services during her period of acting.