The Plateau Research Committee on COVID-19 and other infectious diseases says the arrangement to deploy its three herbal remedies in a human trial has been concluded.

The development is coming less than a month after the chairman of the committee, Prof. Noel Wannang gave an update on the three cocktails namely Cov-Pla 1, Cov-Pla 2 and Cov-Pla 3 at the Government House in Jos, Plateau State’s capital.

He had stated that the result of the cocktails may provide an important breakthrough in the field of herbal medicine, saying the drug treatment trials on patients of COVID-19 would commence, soon.

In an exclusive interview with newsmen over the weekend, Wannang explained that the research team had an array of plants at the initial stage, but only 13 of the plants showed promises of antiviral properties.

“Three of the plants were dropped due to binding and other pharmacokinetic parameters while 10 were promising and likely to treat COVID-19. Thus we made three formulations out of them to serve for severe, moderate and asymptomatic/mild.

“We conducted studies in the laboratory and are quite satisfied with the results. All necessary assessments were done and we reached a stage where we needed ethical clearance to go into human treatment. We applied for it and were given clearance by some institutions,” he said.

Wannang told our correspondent that the Plateau research committee is planning to commence the protocol in humans soon, adding that the team is equally working on some other projects side by side with the proposed human trial.

“We are still doing a lot of other work because research is endless. The more information, the better. We have reached a stage where our product can go into drug and human treatment trials.

“I want to assure citizens of Plateau State and the world at large that our scientists will not rush into making any public pronouncement if we are not sure,” he said.

He noted that by the time the scientists are done with the human trials, they would be ready to present the results at any place.

“We will be ready to make our declaration and presentation at any scientific conference,” he said.