By Daniel Dauda, Jos

Disturbed by increasing deplorable condition of insecurity bedeviling Nigeria, Evangelical Church Winning All,ECWA, have charged Federal Government to as matter of national concern, raised up with the sincerity of purpose to the occasion of apprehending and prosecution of assailants in Southern Kaduna, and ensure compensation for the victims.

 ECWA denomination made the appeal during its 67th annual  general Church council(GCC) meeting, held from July 27-31,2020, in Jos, Plateau State capital.

According to a communique jointly signed by ECWA president, Rev.Stephen P. Baba and Secretary General, Rev. Yunusa S. Nmadu said the council condemns in strong terms the mindless killing of the indigenous Christians in Southern Kaduna over the past few weeks which has assumed a genocidal magnitude and calls on Federal Government to apprehend the Perpetrators to face the full wrath of the law, and to compensate the victims in the interest of Justice.

"The Council notes with grief the several attacks on Southern Kaduna Christian communities, which are the strongholds of ECWA , where over 120 persons including infants and women have been killed in the last two weeks alone, with scores injured and thousands displaced from their villages and farmlands by arm Fulani militia without any care from the Kaduna state and Federal Government.

The Council frowns at a recent statement credited to a presidential spokesman explaining away this genocidal massacres as reprisal killings.

"No responsible government would want to be perceived as holding brief for terrorists, unless it is complicit.

"It is advocates for a stronger collaboration between the government, the security agencies, and the entire populace to make for robust and rapid response for the protection of human lives and property." The communique suggested.

The General Council express worries at failure of the Federal Government to secure the release of the only Christian girl Leah Sharibu(who was abducted by Boko Haram among many female students of Government Secondary School, Dapchi), Alice Loksha a Christian nurse doing humanitarian service in Borno State, Grace Lucas, Lillian Gyang, and the remaining Chibok girls abducted by Boko Haram.

The Council also observes with dismay the huge resources being committed to the supposed deradicalization and rehabilitation of the so-called repentant Boko Haram fighters by the military, while millions of their victims are still languishing in deplorable IDP camps, and consider this not to be the best use of tax payers' and indeed a "complete misplacement of priority".

On social justice and equity, the General Council said has been following the revelations of the reckless looting of public funds and re-looting of recovered funds while public infrastructure and basic amenities lie in ruins, and Nigeria's debt profile skyrockets in astronomical proportions.

" Likewise, the distribution of appointments to public offices and resources that is skewed in favour of only a section of country goes contrary to the provision of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

"Nigerians elected the present government because its operators promised they will deal with insecurity, fight corruption, and improve the economy."

The council calls on the government to ensure accountability, prudence and transparency in management of resources, eschew sectionalism, and be weary of unbridled indebtedness to foreign governments, especially those whose loan terms threaten our sovereignty as a nation.

The council is also saddened by the incessant brain-drain in the health sector due to the mass exodus of sound Nigerian medical doctors and other medical personnel to other countries for greener pastures owing to the unpalatable situation of the nation's hospital.

The Council laments that many young people have no jobs and equally many public servants retire early and thereafter remain unproductive. Urges the business community to prioritize corporate social responsibility by providing services that address felt needs of their host communities.

The 67th ECWA General Council also confirmed the creation of two additional District Church Councils(DCCs) namely, Kaduna-East DCC carved out of the Kasuwan Magani DCC and Bauchi- South DCC from Bauchi DCC. With this two additional DCCs, ECWA worldwide now has a total of 88 DCCs.