As Nigeria marks its 60th Independence Anniversary, the Hon. member representing Mikang/ Shendam/Qua'anpan Federal Constituency in the Federal House of Representatives, Hon. KOMSOL ALPHONSUS LONGGAP , gladly throws 60 hearty cheers to all Nigeria's founding heroes death and alive.

At 60, the Hon. member also throws 60 PATRIOTIC SALUTES to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari, the Governor of Plateau State, Rt.  Hon. Dr Simon Bako Lalong and all Patriotic Nigerians.

 Sixty years down the line as an independent country, Hon. Komsol observes that the nation is both in celebration and in a moment of deep reflection. It is in celebration because the gift of being alive and the achievements recorded over time by successive Governments, all in the effort towards the building of the nation call Nigeria cannot be underestimated. 

It is in a moment of reflection, because as a nation and as a people, we must reflect on the sacrifices of our gallant heroes and heroines who died in active service to the Nation in one way or the other. And to reflect as well, on the collective responsibility of us as Nigerians in building the envisioned Nigerian dream by our founding fathers; irrespective of the numerous challenges that may hinder us. 

As such, the Hon. member urges the youths to embrace nation building, unwavering patriotism and the spirit of Team Work, to be able to say indeed, our fathers came, they saw and we the youths have helped them conquer; having in mind the Nation's challenges which are Boko Haram, Banditry, terrorism, criminality, kidnapping etc, that needs to be crushed with finality one day and make Nigeria a safe and secure place to live.

 Happy Independence Day, Nigeria @60