Plateau Central youth advocacy for democracy and good governance

is a nonpartisan youth group within the Plateau Central senatorial zone. The pressure group deems it fit to rise up to their feet to address incompetences surrounding the performance of public office holders, readdress community challenges in regards to the effect of puting their trust or given their mandate to people whom the development, growth and wellbeing of the society is contrary to public interest, but rather a self or personal interest/gains.

Few months ago, we stood out grounds alongside youths from various senatorial zone to #EndSars, policies brutality and to end bad governance in the society. To God be the glory, we have successfully ended Sars and we are hopping to end bad governance in Nigeria.

In pursuant to the provision of section 69 of the 1999 constitution which gives us the right and powers to recall any validly elected senator on grounds of poor performance and gross miss-use of office. On this premise, the plateau youths advocacy for democracy and good governance have initiated a recall process of senator hezikiah Dimka. The senator have been described as the worst performing legislature to have been elected in the history of Plateau central senatorial zone. The central zone which is the umblical cord of plateau politics have always produced workaholic senators such as Sen. Nasiru Mantu, Sen. JC Dariye and others. As the umblical cord, we have already set a benchmark of performance in the zone which the distinguish senator Dimka is no where close to.

Senator Hezikiah Dimka who made a lot of campaign promises during the 2019 general election have not achieve 10% of his manifesto, we are set to recall him on the following grounds:-

1. After almost two years in office, there is no single infrastructural development, no any tangible physical project to show despite receiving 29million naira as take home pay from the Nigerian Senate apart from constituency project allowance.

2. There is no human capital development, no youth empowerment and zero support of youth activities despite despite the heavy and massive support he got from the youths to get to office. Also money have been allocated to him by the federal government and other federal government program been appropriated.

3. The senator have no any visible contact and association with constituents in terms of town hall meetings and Congress to get input of our view so as to represent us better.

4. There is no any tangible bill sponsored or motion moved on matters of urgent public importance.

5. The senator failed to identify key and critical stakeholders from the senatorial zone to guide and advise his path, he refuse to associate with members of state and national assembly that falls under his jurisdiction for guidance.

6. The senator's disregard, nonchalant attitude and the continues been a senator on condolence and felicitation. We did not elect you to be littering the social media space with condolences and felicitation without any physical presence around the bereaved or celebrating family.

7. Senator Hezikiah Dimka whose campaign promises is all about empowering youths have succeeded in appointing over 120 youths as aides but failed to pay their #20,000 stipends for 9 months.

This among other few reasons are the premise in which the senator will be recalled.

Plateau youth advocacy for democracy and good governance are calling on other youth groups, women groups, traditional institution, elites, religion bodies,  students union to come together so as to save the future of plateau central, it is so disheartening that we are where we are due to our bad choices and decisions in the past. 

We urged the aforementioned key stakeholders to give us the necessary support to gather signatures so as to submit a valid petition to the INEC chairman for the recall process be achieved.

It is our hope and wish that plateau central will rise again if the right person is sent to represent us, let's reason together as one big family in other to save our future.


 Bldr kwarsen Andokplang Gideon (Mniob, Fcial)* 

Chairman, plateau central youth advocacy for democracy and good governance.