Comrade Andrew Ikpebe

From Daniel Dauda, Jos

National Union of Hotels and personal services workers, Hill Station Hotel Jos have cried to Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State to intervene on the current ongoing strike action that engulfed the Hotel as their members are dying and getting sick on a daily basis.

Our correspondent understand that the activities remains stagnant at the renowned Hill Station Hotels due to workers strike action which lasted for more than two months now.

Speaking with our correspondent in Jos, Plateau State Capital, Comrade Andrew Ikpebe principal organizing Secretary in charge of Plateau and Bauchi State, National Union of Hotels and personal services workers stated that they have numerous over the years in respect to their staff welfare that is what inform their strike action.

"Our issues are too pathetic and were as follows about 33 staff of the company(Hill Station Hotels) were retired from service since 2016 and they were not been paid their entitlement up to date and were owing them 12 months arrears.

"The existing staff that are currently working till date the company are owing them 32 months arrears of salary. There are many litigations, the have issues with their clinic which is not functioning, the statutory deductions were not been paid. There not remitted it to the appropriate people and up to date as I talk to you strike have last for two months now.

"We have meet once, and when we met there were not proper response from the Hill Station Hotel  management and as I am talking to you they continue to promised but have not come to pay the workers! We have no option than to continue with the impasse.

"We have appeal to the Executive Governor of the state through opening letter but up to now we have not seen any response from his office, so we decided to remain the same until they solve our problem.

"The people are dying, and their children are out of school because they pay school fees through their nose. We have no option than to embark on strike action because is not the world that you handle with arrow and bow. Is a technical issue and we have push to the whole", Comrade Ikpebe lamented.

Comrade Sunday Akinfolarin Vice chairman Nigeria Labour congress, NLC, Plateau State chapter also confirm that the staff of Hill station Hotel are passing through a difficult period now due to the inability of the management to settle them their back luck of salary

"Staff of Hill Station Hotels are dying. They sick on daily basis. Some people are owing two years, some three years without ten Kobo given to them that is what inform the industrial action. 

"Some of the statutory deductions from workers salaries have not been remitted by the government authority. 

"We're making efforts to reach his Excellency the Executive Governor of Plateau State which we know is the father of all, and which we know is not playing with the welfare of workers to hear the cry and come to the aid of Hill Station Hotel Workers because we are fully aware that the Plateau State Government is owing 75% of the shareholders of Hill Station.

"So, that is why we are calling on the Governor, stakeholders and other spirited individual who have concern for the workers in the state to intervene.To come around and help us in this dilemma that we found ourselves", comrade Akinfolarin appeal.