The viability of an efficient and effective Civil Service which is the spring board for growth and development is determined through the commitment, loyalty and discipline of its workforce.

The Local Government Service on the Plateau is one whose face and integrity had suffered misconceptions over the years on account of the dismal performance of some of its employees who engage themselves in practices contrary to extant provisions of the service.

In order to change the narrative of working at the third tier of government, the Plateau State Local Government Service Commission whose mandate is to employ, train and discipline staff under its employment held an interactive session with newly appointed one hundred and nineteen Directors and their Deputies Directors as well as Sectional Heads. The meeting had the state leadership of labour unions in the local government in attendance.

The session was a fallout of the approval of the Governor Simon Lalong to the three hundred and forty two appointments which were done without discrimination. This is a further confirmation of the rescue administration's policy towards the enthronement of good governance as enshrined in its policy thrust; the gesture bestows a burden of responsibility on the appointees who are expected to justify their worth in the discharge of their duty.

The Lalong administration must be applauded for its unrelenting concern and commitment towards the resuscitation of a viable local government service with the recent release of over eleven thousand promotions and conversions as well as the transfer of personnel across the state which was last carried out during the Joshua Dariye regime.

The significance of the session which is to arm the appointees with requisite knowledge about the ills bedeviling the service. It is also to acquaint and fortify them ahead of the enormous task and expectations.

The parley brought participants up to speed on the kind of synergy expected between the Services and activities of the Plateau State Primary Care Development Board, Local Government Service Commission and Local Government Councils.

Similarly, the synergy between Labour Unions, Directors and Staff towards the achievement of goals and objectives was harped upon.

The interactive session x-rayed the dangers of rumor mongering, truancy, fake news amongst staff and proffering solutions to the vices where the need for proper information sharing, delegation of duties, monitoring and evaluation of performance, staff motivation among others.

Accordingly, the need for Periodic updating of the Local Government Service Commission with data on staff retirement, deaths and transfers was advocated.

 Permanent Secretary Henry Langkwap emphasized the need for the survival of Multipurpose Cooperative Societies in the Local Government Service which has very significant and corresponding impact to the wellbeing of members.

The Permanent Secretary assured on staff welfare noting that all will be done to ensure that deserving staff get their due.

Local Governments being very critical components for the attainment of National growth and development, the workers must see themselves as the engine room whose exploits reflect the alignment and coherence required for achieving positive change.