Enoch Shaks, Jos. 

As Nigeria marks 22 years of uninterrupted democracy, the Plateau State Government under the leadership of Governor Simon Bako Lalong has held a special Thanksgiving service on Sunday 6th June 2021 in commemoration of the June 12 democracy day celebrations.

 Dr Mrs Regina Soemlat who spoke to a select Media Executives at the Government House Chapel Rayfield, Jos, posited that as the Commissioner of Finance, Plateau State, we give God the glory as we mark six years of Governor Simon Bako Lalong's Rescue Administration and 22 years of uninterrupted democracy nationwide with a Thanksgiving Service.

Soemlat revealed that "it is not by our strength, but I can tell you it is the doing of the Lord especially here on the Plateau. When we first came in, in 2015, it was not easy but God in His infinite mercies upheld us up to this day. I know God has a hand in bringing the Rescue Team on board. I know God chose a leader for us in the person of Rt Hon Dr Simon Bako Lalong to be our Governor for a purpose and we have seen it, practically working for us on the Plateau. This so because where it looks as if things are not going to work out for us, then a solution will come from nowhere"

Soemlat hinted that"I have a lot of testimonies as a Commissioner of Finance, where we felt certain things are not going to be met, at the dying minute, you will see the solution coming. A list of our testimonies as a Rescue Team is endless, we have bitter experience and we have a good experience, but as a government, we tolerated it because we have a leader that is full of humility and he respects human beings. He appreciates  those who are around him, whether you are a youth or elderly, he respects you accordingly and I think that has sober a lot of things around us in Plateau State"

While commending Governor Lalong's efforts and leadership qualities, she added " On the issue of security, all of you pressmen knew what was happening in Plateau State before he came on board, but because of his humility and wisdom that God gave him, he has been able to bring people together. He takes everybody that God created as one, he never shows any sectionalism, ethnicity or religious difference, he takes everybody to be his own. 

He takes them so important to his heart and that is why you see us enjoying the peace in Plateau State today"."Our religious leaders have also contributed. They have been praying for us and we are grateful, we are equally grateful to our elders, and the youths too.

In this Rescue Administration, you can see a lot of youths holding so many important positions and they are doing well. T I have never seen it this way, but I know it God that brought Lalong on board and as a leade,r he has been leading us well, full of Grace from the Lord and we pray that the good Lord will continue to see him through, his team leaders, people he has brought on board, that they will work with him in truth and faith, that they will never have a cause to betray or mislead him" Soemlat said.