We have observed with obsession the spurious petition of the self-proclaimed relevant stakeholders of APC Kwa Federal Ward circulating in the social media which we would have ordinarily ignored if not for the campaign of calumny on the person of Distinguish Senator Nora Dadu’ut.  

Owing to the sensitivity of some of the allegations and the negative impression convey by the Ernest Da’a pay boys and their cohorts to attract public sympathy, we shall respond to few issues raised to correct the impression for the records as follows:

Let us reiterate from the onset that the task of overseeing the conduct of the July, 31st Ward Congresses in Southern Senatorial District was a National Assignment given to Senator Nora Dadu’ut by the National leadership of the APC which to the best of her ability, Senator Nora Dadu’ut has successfully discharge that responsibility given to her by the National leadership of our great party the All Progressive Congress (APC). 

This task assigned to senator Nora Dadu’ut received the blessings of His Excellency Rt. Hon. Barr Simon Bako Lalong the Executive Governor of Plateau State following her track records and unflinching support to the rescue administration. 

As such, the wailers seem ignorant that the confidence reposed on Senator Nora Dadu’ut by his Excellency cannot be eroded by the wishful thinking of promoters of pull her down syndrome. 

We have observed with dismay that the petition is neither here nor there. Alas!, the petitioners are merely seeking for public sympathy to cover up their lack of acceptance by the people without more. The allusion made to Kwalla Moeda Federal Ward buttress the above conclusion. One wonders why the petitioners who are complaining of their exclusion from Kwa Federal Ward consensus suddenly abandoned their case and digress to another entirely different ward. In fact, the petitioners are crying more than the bereaved.

 It is evident that the petitioners are meddlesome interlopers or busy bodies.

 A careful look at the names of the signatories and the import of the copious references to the over exalted name of the promoter in the petition leaves no one in doubt that the petitioners are doing the biddings of their pay-master Mr Ernest Da’a. We have it on good authority that Ernest Da’a is the shadow petitioner. 

It will be recalled that the said shadow petitioner is the supposed APC chairmanship flag bearer of Qua’an Pan Local Government Area who could not even wait to formally take over the mantle of leadership has started surrounding himself with hired political thugs.

On the day of the affirmation of the Ward Congresses, Mr. Ernest Da’a paraded not less than 12-15 thugs going about in a Gestapo or rather commando style. And as if that was not enough, the Chairmanship flag bearer not only insulted Senator Nora Dadu’ut but he was also physical and assaulted or lynched one of the relevant stakeholders Mr. Patrick Dariem a former Special Adviser to Governor Simon Lalong via his political thugs. If not for the intervention security agents who intercepted his deadly blowing fist only God knows what Ernest Da’a would have done to Senator Nora Dadu’ut and Patrick Dariem.  

Perhaps, it would have been a different story altogether.

Contrary to the insinuation of the petitioners, there was no any unilateral change of venue of the Ward Congresses affirmation from the party headquarters.

 The decision on the venue of the ward congress’s affirmation as well as the consensus arrived at was a collective decision of all the relevant stakeholders of not just Kwa Federal ward but of the entire southern senatorial zone. 

It is quite surprising that the petitioners are claiming that names of several members of PDP were infused into the list of Kwa Federal Ward Exco. 

One would have expected the petitioners to furnish concrete evidence of the alleged PDP affiliation. This they have failed woefully to substantiate. This goes to show the desperation of the petitioners which can best be likened to the proverbial struggling of a drowning man desperately trying to grabs a floating straw for survival.

 It is an elementary law that he who assert must prove. But in this context, the petitioners who raised a serious allegation of anti- party activities against the Senator have failed to prove it.

We find it not only palpably strange but quiet appalling the serious weighty allegation of pending disciplinary proceedings against Mr. Patrick Dariem and Barr. Humphery Dashe by the Lardang State Ward for anti-party activities purportedly committed during the 2019 General Elections. It would be recalled that at the material point in time, Mr. Patrick Dariem was a serving Special Adviser to Governor Simon Lalong on Finance, the question is, was Mr. Patrick Dariem suspended or removed from office for anti-party activities?. The answer is rhetoric No.

 It would also be recalled that Barr. Humphrey Dashe is one of the APC Chairmanship Aspirants in the recent June, 2021 Local Government Primaries of Qua’an Pan Local Government and Barr. Humphrey Dashe was successfully screened and cleared to contest. 

If indeed, there is a pending disciplinary proceedings for anti-party activities against him why he was successfully screened and cleared to contest?. Why the petitioners didn’t raised it during the Local Government party primaries which Barr. Humphrey Dashe contested against their pay-master Ernest Da’a? If their claim is genuine why wait until now after the close of consensus when it does not favour them?.

The petitioners also claimed that PDP is the dominant party in Lardang and that APC has never won an election there including the election of Senator Nora Dadu’ut. What a cock and bull story. What a cheap political propaganda. The petitioners should tell that story to the mariners. 

It is on record that Lardang has always given massive votes for APC than any other part of Kwa Ward. In the build up to the 2018 Local Government election, Lardang gave a mass vote to APC and same feat were replicated in the 2019 General Elections. 

The election of Nora Dadu’ut was not exceptional. Undoubtedly, APC voted Nora Dadu’ut en-masse in Lardang. We emphasized with utmost certainty that APC gave Senator Dadu’ut block votes.

We have keenly observed as follows:

That Ernest Da’a who is an appointee of the Governor is exhibiting acts of desperation in the pursuit of his overzealous ambition at the detriment of the unity of APC in Qua’an Pan Local Government.

That the misconduct of Ernest Da’a towards Senator Nora Dadu’ut and other relevant stakeholders is a stark revelation of his rudeness, disrespectful and arrogances of the highest order.

That the violent conduct of Ernest Da’a is an indication that he is not a person worthy of being a leader.

We call on the  Prof. Sonny Tyoden  led APC Ward Congresses Complaints Committee for Plateau Southern Senatorial Zone to discountenance the petition against Distinguish Senator Nora Dadu’ut in its entirety, affirm the Consensus Excos for Kwa Federal Ward and dismiss the petition for lacking in merit.




4th AUGUST, 2021