Governor Simon Lalong

By Daniel Dauda, Jos

Following the incessant killings and spark of violence that plunge some parts of Plateau state, a group known as Gamai All Progress Congress (APC), elders and stakeholders forum has call for synergy among Plateau citizens for sustainable peace and development. 

Gamai socio-political group which has membership cutting across Nigeria and diaspora, said were compel to air  their views concerning the security challenges bedeviling Plateau recently, following its extra-ordinary meetings held on Tuesday 31st August, 2021, in Jos.

This was made known during a world press conference at NUJ Secretariat in Jos, the state capital on Thursday.

According to the Chairman of Gamai APC elders and stakeholders forum, Miskoom Kevin Kwaplong:" the desire to convey to the general public our forum's resolutions and proclamations on the prevailing situation in the state, has made this press conference highly imperative.

"We most sincerely commiserate with families of those who suffered various losses in the recent unprovoked attacks in Riyom, Bassa, Jos North, Jos South and Mangu Local Government Areas.

"These gory incidence which have obviously shakened the very foundation of our peace, cohesion, stability and unity as a people are indeed worrisome.

The group applauded Governor Simon Lalong for a bold step taking to nip the situation from being escalate.

"We particularly commend the executive Governor for his focus, humility and calmness in the midst of the storm. The Governor's composure at this trying moment is indeed a rare inspiration in exemplary leadership", Kwaplong stated.

He shower accolades for security agents, traditional Rulers, religious bodies such as; Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Jama'atu Nasiru Islam (JNI), the media and civil society organizations (CSO) for the role played in sustaining peace on the Plateau.

While commending the Governor's proactive and prompt responses to security issues, the group urged Government to work in synergy with the security agents in protecting the lives and properties of citizens.

They also called on Government to make sure that perpetrators of violence are brought to book and punished accordingly to avoid future occurrences. Charged Plateau citizens to always embrace peace, maintain vigilance and support Government policies and programmes aim at sustaining peace, development and progress in the state.