By Daniel Dauda, Jos

Ahead of the Jos North/ Bassa Federal Constituency bye-election, a group under the aegis of Youths for True Democracy has raised alarm over the insensitivity comments of mischief makers aimed at creating understanding between Hon. Abbey Joseph Aku and Christian Association Nigeria (CAN).

The concerned Youth group views insinuation by "pseudo persons"   calculated attempt towards achieving cheap political gains and diminish the reputation of religious body (CAN).

This was contained in a press release made available to this medium on Tuesday in Jos the state capital titled, "HON. ABBEY JOSEPH AKU (AKA): A MAN WHOSE MOMENT HAS COME."

According to the group "We read a toxic post recently about Hon. Abbey Joseph Aku; a frontline contender into the Federal House of Representatives for Bassa/Jos North constituency.

"The said write-up purported to cast aspersions on the person of Hon. Abbey Joseph Aku, but for the discerning; the terribly written piece only exposed the bile and bitterness of evil-mongers and naysayers, who have forgotten that all power belongs to God and He gives it to whoever He wishes at His own time and in His own way.

"The post started by shamelessly lying unto itself by stating that Hon. Aku is claiming Governor Lalong's endorsement.

"This cannot be substantiated anywhere as there is no private or public record of any such claim by Hon. AKA.

"Such spurious claim by evil political merchants also seeks to project our amiable leader, Governor Simon Bako Lalong, as not capable of having and exercising his own inalienable right to freedom of choice and association.

"For their information, the Governor has every right to have a choice and exercise his support in favour of his choice; a situation that such naysayers stealthily covet for themselves.

"It's quite ridiculous that the contractor-writer of the said piece also plunged into an unfortunate rambling by robing in a religious pressure group into the political fray.

"This is a banal and puerile concatenation of CAN into Bassa/Jos North politics by trying to pitch the Rukuba-born politician against the respected Christian religious body, CAN.

"For the records, Hon. Abbey Joseph Aku has never and will never say anything against CAN as claimed in the said write-up.

"CAN as a bonafide Ecclesiastical body knows the highest esteem with which Hon. Abbey Joseph Aku holds it, and thus even CAN is ostensibly embarrassed by this blatant meddlesomeness by mischief planters, all in a bid to score cheap political points for their paymasters.

"Other misrepresentations and character-assassinating comments such as arrogance, greed, stinginess, bad commissionership, Buhit elders' embarrassment while at AKA's residence are all concoctions and mere figments of their mischievous imaginations.

"They do not deserve our response as they are adulterated cocktails of mendacities and deceits that cannot be substantiated.

"The reality is that fear has enveloped the enemies' camps with the rising profile and acceptability generously enjoyed by the AKA candidature, thus every mud must spewed on him just to tarnish his image and begin to pitch respected individuals and organisations against him.

"Our leader and stakeholders as well as the Bassa/Jos North electorate are clearly better and wiser than that.

"They cannot be swept away by those cheap campaigns of calumny as they know the truth when they see it.

"Hon. Abbey Joseph Aku has devoted a better part of his life to the service of the people right from his days as an elected councilor (not counselor as terribly spelt in the naysayers' article) in Jos North, through his sterling days as a Senior Legislative Aide in Nigeria's National Assembly, and recently his superlative Commissioner ship at Plateau's highest executive stratum; the State Executive Council.

"Those outstanding accomplishments have not gone unnoticed, thus Bassa/Jos North have made the right choice in standing behind Hon. Abbey Joseph Aku for House of Representatives come this year 2022", the Youth group concluded.