Between January 1 and April 1, 2020, no less than 40 persons have been killed and eight injured in 19 separate attacks on 15 communities in Irigwe Chiefdom of Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau State.
Apart from those that lost their lives and those wounded, the communities are still reeling in pains over the loss of valuable property which include 15 farms, 330 houses and other items valued at millions of naira like cars, food barns, water pumps, motor bikes etc as a result of these attacks.
The recent killings and destruction of property it appears, is a continuation of the spate of attacks on the peace loving people of Irigwe chiefdom which started over the years as some of the villages affected by the recent attacks like Rikwe Chongu, Ancha and Nkiedonwro have been attacked repeatedly.

While these killings have continued, the good people of Irigwe are constantly reminded that they are on their own and have no shoulders to lean on because even as the attacks persisted, there has been no strong committed response or action from either the local, state or federal government to reassure and give the people a sense of belonging as citizens of Nigeria.
Much as the people of Irigwe do not want to believe that they have been abandoned to their fate, they observe with sadness that when other people suffer losses in similar circumstances, the government always identifies with them by quickly condemning such acts, reassuring the people of its concern and taking actions to prevent reoccurrence.
The peace loving people of Irigwe, known for their hospitality and industry have however been treated differently, engendering a suspicion that there’s a conspiracy at all levels of government to abandon them to their fate.
The people cannot reconcile why at the height of these attacks and the consequent dispersal of the villagers, no intervention or support has been extended to them as done to other communities who had found themselves in similar situations.
Federal agencies like NEMA and others charged with the statutory functions of bringing succor to the people in such circumstances have been totally absent.
The Irigwe people whose major occupation is farming have been made to suffer deprivation and colossal losses in the past three years following the persistent attacks perpetrated by suspected Fulani militias. Worse still, they are unable to go and cultivate their farms; and whenever they brave it and succeed in cultivating and nurturing the crops, the crops are destroyed at the nick of harvest.
The persistent killings and destruction of barns, buildings and other properties like automobiles is worrisome and points at an agenda to weaken and subdue or annihilate the Irigwes.
At the initial stage of this spate of unwarranted and unprovoked attacks, the STF, the security outfit set up by government for the protection of citizens stationed units in the two districts of Miango and Kwall.
This action had served in keeping the attackers at bay while boosting the confidence of the villagers bringing about relative peace until recently when the STF high command for reasons not stated, ordered the withdrawal of security personnel from the various stations. This action was immediately followed by the renewed spate of vicious, mindless and merciless attacks which started again on March 31, 2020 at Ancha in Miango district.
Several pleas and presentations were made by stakeholders to the authorities to return the officers to those areas, but the pleas have fallen on deaf ears while the killings continued. Whereas the STF had initially given a good account of itself by protecting the people, there were occasions that their actions left much to be desired.
It is quite disturbing that with the heavy presence of the security officers who enjoy the full cooperation of stakeholders and the people, the attacks continue up until Tuesday, 14th April, 2020 at Hurra village near Maiyanga in Kwall District (a community bordering Ganawuri in Riyom LG) where eight persons including a pregnant woman were killed in cold blood and properties destroyed. (See attached document).

At this point, it would be  pertinent to call the attention of the authorities on the urgent need to mobilize and stop these attacks because if the attacks continue and with the current seeming indifference on the part of the government and security agents does not change, it will definitely affect the confidence of the people in the ability or willingness of the government to protect them  and may heighten suspicion that there are collaborators within who prefer to look the other way even as harmless people are being slaughtered in their homes.

With the fast approaching new farming season, having suffered losses for at least three seasons now, the level of apprehension is high. The fear of attack while on the farm and the inability or inaction of the security agents is likely to affect the harvest at the end of the season and cause a decline in the economy of the people even in the face of a global recession and the already threatened national economy.

Despite the recent order by the President, C-in-C, Muhammadu Buhari directing the security agencies to go after all criminals and stem the tide of attacks and killings, they have failed to carry out the order in this instance in Irigwe chiefdom.

On the part of the state government, there has not been any serious commitment apart from the a low level delegation visitation to the paramount ruler.
It is equally sad that while the people of Hurra were murdered while obediently complying with the COVID-19 (fumigation) stay-at-home order, the governor’s address of 15th April, 2020 made no mention of them.

The silence of our elected representatives at all levels of government is to say the least also most disappointing, callous, pathetic and wicked. One wonders whether it is as a result of a lack of sense of responsibility, incompetence, timidity or better still being a part of the conspiracy that they have failed to live up to expectation in that regard.

The local media must be commended for their efforts. But for their commitment the little known about the senseless and wicked annihilation project targeting the Irigwe people as perpetrated by killer agents would have gone unnoticed.

I hereby call on the authorities in Bassa Local Government, Plateau State and Federal Government, to wake up to their responsibility to stem this ugly trend of destruction of lives and property in Irigwe Chiefdom.

I also call on the security agencies especially the STF to wake up and restore the confidence of the people on the willingness of the government to protect them.
The Federal and State Governments, through its agencies should also provide relief materials to the affected people of Irigwe who have been abandoned in the wake of the attacks.

The media and all citizens of Plateau State should also join in the call on the authorities to their bits for the realization of lasting peace on the Plateau.
Thank you.

Hon. Chief Lumumba Dah Adeh,
Wazirin Miango, Sarkin Yakin Irigwe.
Former member house of representatives (Bassa/Jos  North federal constituency)
Former Special Assistant to the President on NASS matters