The young people in our communities may not remember when they were kept in doors for a period that would stretch their patience. Quickly, for the elderly, there are instances that may be easily recalled. Even during the emergency rule in the state and some of the curfews that were slammed on the state, the intensity of it may not have been felt as this. This certainly is an abnormal time, trying the souls of nations of the earth, for which there is need for extra-ordinary measures. At a time of emergency such the one we are in now, all measures to stem the tide of the pandemic in our communities cannot be anything but welcome. These are no ordinary times that allow for social gatherings. Everyone is suspicious of the next person; in fact, everywhere is closed to the public except to a few, who would be given access. The initial perception that the black man is immune to the virus has since evaporated with the stark reality that when the ocean catches fire the fighting power of the fire department is but in futility. No one needs to be told that when a neighbour’s beard is on fire, one needs to apply some water on his incase the fire spreads across. We are at that stage when personal hygiene is not a matter of choice, if the deaths recorded in other nations is any lesson to go by. The place of caution is down with almost everyone, except the person who has decided to throw it to the winds. They say the fly that refuses to leave the corpse shall accompany it to the grave. That being the case, all protocols enunciated by the World Health Organization are but put in place for the good of humanity. For those who follow the social media and may have become addicted to certain posts, you certainly may have read those posts about views of women calling on governments to increase the days of the lockdowns. Where none exists, there are more voices calling for measures to be established for people to stay at home. While there are voices of dissent, they feel governments all over are being high handed in dealing with their people; but it appears we have forgotten it is an emergency meant to save the lives of the people. Whatever it is said, let us not be in a hurry to forget that hundreds of thousands of people have been sent to their graves. During the lockdown, the state fumigated public places, markets and several other areas amid the controversy it may have generated. I am not a specialist in that area yet methinks some of the positions may have made sense; yet, for me, the measures are in the main, put out to save the lives of the people. We already have insisted that the Nigerian government took some of the steps late, but in combating the disease whose nature is fierce, every step taken cannot therefore be seen as out of context. In the lockdown situation, many absurd things happened. Apart from stretching the patience of those in the situation, it allows for those who can use their thinking caps to test their imagination on how to survive. If you took for granted what was ahead, you ultimately had yourself to blame for what you went through. If you did not buy bread, water, credit cards and other essential items needed in the home, you paid dearly for such. While the markets were closed, shops that one could easily get certain things on a daily basis were also under lock and key. Everywhere became quiet except the sounds of moving vehicles on essential duty. If you attempted to move around, the vigilante officials were there to tell you they were in charge. And truly they were in charge; were it not for them the police would have been overwhelmed. Not many are used to staying long hours at home; particularly the men. It is in this context that the women should be appreciated for their role. Most of them spend more time at home taking care of the children, cooking and doing several other things to keep the home front in order. Most men find these roles absurd and demeaning of their masculinity. A number of young men and women who found the stay-at-home-order working against their constitution got arrested. The Mobile Courts came in handed, and they paid for this act. A number didn’t know where they were heading to except in search of the things they had become addicted to in their lives. I am aware that several hundreds were arrested and sentenced. If anything, the stay-at-home-order seems to stick more with the women and their children. More fathers, by this singular act may have been brought closer to their families; after all, most times the boys are away in the clubs, with some feigning work schedules are taking their time for their families. By the time they return, the children may have long gone to bed. Therefore, the joy of most of the women, apart from the idea of ensuring that their men stay at home to be safe from contacting the disease; another of the oft told reason is perhaps to ensure that they fulfill their conjugal obligations to their wives. If this reason is anything to go by, before long, our homes shall; in the next few months will be flooded with new born babies brought about by the order. There are stories of what the loneliness has brought for some of the men to be seen to have done. If for the many who drink this does not make sense, consider the fact that you are constantly with the boys at your regular rendezvous where the idea of getting drunk may not necessarily come from your pocket, but through the contributions of your friends; and here you without preparations with just a few bottles left that may last for a day or two. Only the loneliness of the lockdown can tell what such a person can do in such a circumstance. In many communities of Jos and Bukuru, it is common place to meet the young and the old embarking on road walks and other sporting activities. In the last one week, more have joined. Some of them who were seen during odd hours should tell you that such is the category of the new entrants created by the loneliness of the lockdown. They may not last, it is for the moment; they are temporary sports men and women. You will know them by what they wear and done on the road. Pray explain what you may know about men and women who even during good times have never thought about working between their gates and their bedrooms have turned masters of road walk? Some could even be seen in all manners of wears indicating that the decision may have been taken so as to kill boredom; but not necessarily for their health. Boredom could be as dangerous as the sound of covid-19 itself, considering the fact several hundreds of thousands have died through the virus already. At an emergency period, except there are adequate preparations by families, food disappears from some of the families’ tables. Hardly would it start than it is realized that you wished you had listened to your intuition to have gone to the market to buy food items that would last you the period of the stay at home order. While there was strict restriction, certain vehicles were seen entering the state. There were pointers to the fact that the security may have compromised to satisfy their pockets by allowing them entrance and exit from the state. If such vehicles and its owners were left to go, were they allowed to go through the normal checks? If the exercise succeeded, the vigilantes at the various points deserve to be crowned heroes and heroines of the lockdown. They beat the security to the point that it is heard that they created enemies for themselves; yet it was a duty that must be carried out to the latter. Despite the hardships experienced by the lack of food during the period, they weathered the storm to carry out their work at their duty posts. It is hoped that their services would be reciprocated in such a manner that they would feel it. If they must be handed an elbow, let it go down to the last officer. The labourer deserves his wages.