As part of efforts to mitigate the effect of rainstorm on victims, the Management Committee Chairman of Barkin-Ladi Local Government Council, Hon. Barrister Ezekiel Mandyau on Friday distributed fifty (50) bundles of roofing sheets (Zincs) to three communities affected by recent rainstorms.

The rainstorm affected Ghana-Ropp and Dorowa Babuje all of Ropp District and Rabwak in Fan District.

The first point of call was Ghana-Ropp, where the Chairman and his entourage where received by village heads,  youths and women groups as well as the victims.

The village head, Da Gyang Pam welcomed  the chairman and his entourage saying Barrister Ezekiel Mandyau is a true servant who has the people at heart. He noted that, this visit is the third time the chairman visited the community to identify with them in the times of their needs.

Presenting the roofing sheets, Barrister Mandyau said, the distribution cuts accross 3 communities affected by recent rainstorm in Barkin-Ladi LGA. 

"My administration is concerned on the well being of Barkin-Ladi citizens, hence the distribution of the Zincs to give our people succour. Ghana Ropp is one of the villages that were affected; it's in response to this that we have come this morning to handover the roofing sheets. We would have come earlier than today, but couldn't due to the initial lockdown in the state as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. I pray that our coming here today will open the hearts of other spirited individuals and or organizations to come in to assist you. We as a Local Government want to do more, but we are limited in resources. We have however brought 15 bundles to the affected victims as a show of concern to our people and we are immediately writing SEMA and NEMA to also come in". Mandyau said.

At Dorowa Babuje, the story is not different as the village head Da Sambo Chollom while welcoming the entourage, applauded Barrister Ezekiel Mandyau's love to the people. He said, the coming of Hon. Barrister Ezekiel Mandyau has rekindle hope in the people. As this marks the third visit by the Chairman to meet with the people of Lobiring.

Mandyau explained that, the gesture was to demonstrate the commitment of his administration to alleviating the pains of the rainstorm victims. The Chairman handed over another 15 bundles of roofing sheets to the rainstorm victims in the community.

The Councilor representing Lobiring ward Hon. Emmanuel Markus in appreciation, lauded the timely intervention of Mr Mandyau as a response to the plight of the people.

According to Hon. Markus, it was unprecedented in the history of the ward to receive such help from the Local Government within a very short notice, adding that the people where not expecting anything this early. He said that, the gesture would go a long way in ameliorating the pains of the victims.

Barrister Ezekiel Mandyau and his entourage on their way to Rabwak-Fan, stoppedover at Model Primary Health Care Rapyam-Fan unscheduled, to ascertain the state of the facility.

The Chairman expressed shock over the deplorable condition of the facility. He however promised to quickly intervene with a view to reposition it for better services.

"My administration attached a high importance to the health sector and we cannot fold our arms while our health facilities in the Local Government continue to degenerate. "This facility is in a depressing State. We shall improve it. "I am putting up a team that will swing into action as soon as I get a report from the medical officer in charge of the facility and we shall restore the damaged roofs" he said.

At Rabwak Fan, the village head Da Musa Gyang on behalf of the community welcomed the team and appreciated the Chairman for his timely response to ameliorate the plight of the rainstorm victims.

The Chairman, Hon. Mandyau handed over 15 bundles of roofing sheets to the victims. He said the gesture was in demonstration of his administrations commitment to the welfare of it's citizens.

Mandyau noted that though the Local Government was still considering further measures to aid the people, the immediate donation of the roofing zincs became imperative to save the affected houses from further damage. He reinterieted that, the social services department of the Council has been mandated to expedite action on the issue by writing to both SEMA and NEMA to enable the victims get more assistance.

Da Gwom Rwei Gwol Da Edward Gyang Mashat at all the three communities visited, charged the people to be wary of the deadly coronavirus saying, it's real. He cautioned people to avoid community spread through adherence to the safety protocols.

The last point of call was  a poultry house at Heipang that was destroyed by rainstorm.

The Chairman said, he look forward to giving the victim as much support as possible. “This is one of the reasons why I am here; I am not here alone, I am with the Director of
Personnel Management, Director of Social services, Legislative leader and Councilors, Da Gwom Rwei among other aides to assess for ourselves, what exactly is the position. “We want to know the exact situation; the nature and extent of the disaster, so we can advise properly and give you the kind of support you need. “So that is why we are here and I am very happy that I have been able to see for myself. “I want to commend you for your spirit, for remaining strong. “I want to say, on behalf of the Management Committee of Barkin-Ladi, we will stand by you and make sure we do our own part by ensuring you get assistance from SEMA and NEMA. If by Tuesday, a report does not get to the authorities, you can then blame the directorate of social services department of the Council.” he said.

Responding, the Chief Executive Officer of the farm Hon. Mrs Gyang Fulani said they are encouraged by the visit. She said, Over 11,000 birds where housed by  the collapsed structure. However, they were only able to rescue about 8,000 birds. The entire structure is gone and we hope, Government will come to our aid very quickly.