My attention has been drawn to an invitation card purported to be from a non existing Bukuru Emirate Council inviting the public to a turbaning ceremony of one Samaila Abdullahi as the Sarkin Kerana 4th of Bukuru Emirate on 1st August 2020 at a location said to be the Palace of the Emir of Bukuru.

As member representing Jos South/Jos East Federal Constituency in the National Assembly, I am not aware of the existence of such and Emirate within my constituency and view this as an act of needless provocation. This is highly condemnable and capable of offending the delicate and fragile atmosphere of peace, not only in Jos South but the entire state. By its literary meaning, “an emirate is a political territory that is ruled by an Arabic or Islamic monarch-styled emir, which does not exist anywhere in Jos South.

The organisers should be reminded of the fact that there is a recognised traditional institution; The Jos South Traditional Council under the leadership of Da Nga Dangyang, the Gwom Rwei of Gyel.

In view of the frantic calls and agitations from the peace loving constituents of Jos South, I wish to call on all security agencies and the Plateau State Government to take immediate steps in calling the organisers to order so as to forestal any breach of peace that could lead to a breakdown of law and order in light of this brazen affront on the tradition, customs and ancestral heritage of the people.

I call on my constituents to remain calm but vigilant and report any group or individuals planning to bring disharmony by provoking a breakdown of law and order. Those behind this mischievous act should reconsider their decision and recognize that peace and harmony can only be maintained when all respect the traditions, ancestry and laid down institutions of the people. 

As our Muslim brothers celebrate Eid-EL Kabir, may we all size the moment to build bridges of peace between our diverse ethnic and religious communities in a bid to contribute to the quest for sustainable peace and development in our constituency, Plateau State and Nigeria at large.

Government and law enforcement agencies should therefore be alive to their responsibilities and coercion this group or individuals.

I wish to join in wishing our Muslim faithfuls a blessed and happy Eid-El Kabir.

Dachung Musa Bagos.
Member Representing Jos South/Jos East Federal Constituency,
Plateau State.