When the news of your illness filtered into my ears that Thursday morning, I called your wife in the afternoon ,praying and assuring her with hope that you were going to get well to which she answered Amen 3times.In the evening another call came that "Mandy was no more",I became speechless. I suddenly became a recluse. Since then,I have been consoled by many but yet to console any because I lack the words to say.Now that reality has dawned on me, I feel incumbent to console your family, the people of Barkinladi and Plateau state as a whole.                             As I write this, my heart bleeds, my head aches and my tear glands are swollen.I lost a friend-a good at that.I lost humility personified. I lost a peace builder.We lost our chairman. We all know that death is inevitable but I didn't know that Mandy's was going to be this soon. Now that you are gone, I pray that God will console the family in a special way and give us all the latitude in our hearts to love and forgive one another and the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss Amen. Adieu MANDY