On the day the Chief Executive of the Industrial Training Fund, Nigeria’s foremost training fund, Sir Joseph Ntung Ari KSS was resuming work for the second tenure of his appointment; he was surprised through a package put together by a group called Plateau Patriots to welcome him. KATDAPBA Y. GOBUM recounts the event and what it means celebrating the man who has made the Fund relevant.

He has been on the saddle as Director General since President Muhammadu Buhari appointed some 13 chief executives of federal agencies on September 26, 2016. The manner with which he took the assignment assured major stakeholders that the Fund is critical to the nation’s dream of its desire to change and broaden its economic fortunes.

Before long, all the staff were in agreement that a slave driver had just got on board; and it was important they join hands to build the Fund together, if they were to have a future. But more importantly if the nation’s needs were to find the latitude to address its mandate, which are basically about job creation, wealth, skills acquisition and self reliance. Before long, the old records the management found on assumption were shattered and new ones; which will be at the Fund for long, set for the good of the nation.

Today, four years down the road, the story about the Fund has been significantly changed for the better; thanks indeed to the organizational and management ability of the man who, the federal government found worthy to head. Those who may have had doubts were soon to be disappointed as the change and profitability brought by the new leadership were massive and commendable.

Indeed those who had thought otherwise may have asked questions about the magic of the Sir Joseph Ari-led management’s successes. It was simple and worth relating to the public: Success comes neither from the east nor the west; God is the engineer for it.

As a result, those who know and can bear witness; Sir Joseph Ntung Ari has repeatedly confessed that as a man who has been placed to oversee the affairs of men and resources, he has implicit faith in the direction of God. No wonder, on a day the state was thanking God for attaining 60 years; he had a thanksgiving for his reappointment at the same venue, St Monica Catholic Church, Rantya.

It is little wonder that on Saturday, September 25, 2020, his first day after President Buhari reappointed him for a second tenure as Director General/Chief Executive of the Industrial Training Fund, he was aware he had a date with history to make his second coming as the Fund’s chief executive memorable; perhaps to even surpass the achievements that were recorded in his first tenure.

With this in mind, a group called Plateau Patriots, staff of the Fund had quietly planned a dinner as well as to honour him with an award for excellence at the Villa Grande Hotel, Gold and Base, Jos same day. They planned the event surreptitiously until a week before they let the cat out of the bag to management. It came in a week in which a lot of activities had been lined up to celebrate the appointee.

One of the events, celebration of excellence golf tournament in honour of the reappointment of Sir Joseph Ntung Ari, Director General of ITF, was a major event that brought together over 300 entries. Apart from the prizes at stake, state Works Commissioner, Pam Bot Mang who was a guest at the dinner pointed out that it helped established the fact that peace has returned to the state as well as helping to boost tourism; coming a few days before the World Tourism Day. That it was ITF that helped to facilitate the process was a pointer that the organization has continued to promote the state.

Hon Mang was emphatic: The ITF has contributed a lot to the state by playing positive roles to its development. As a corporate citizen, ITF has together with the state government participated in a number of activities that have shaped the landscape to deliver empowerment to the people of the state and Nigerians generally.

You may have heard the refrain: A prophet has no honour in his native land. Not in this case, for the Plateau Patriots, who spoke through ITF’s Director of Research and Curriculum Development, Zachariah Piwuna said they were honouring him as a result of the changes he has brought to bear on the organization. He told guests that they were humbled as one who is coming from amongst them given the ingenuity to translate the fortunes of the organization for which he is today hailed.

Sauntering with a measured gait into the hall, Sir Joseph Ntung Ari in company of his wife, Lady Victoria Selbyen Ari, both danced to the beats of the Asharuwa Dancers and went from table after another acknowledging the guests, while exchanging pleasantries and ‘chopping knuckles’ of present and retired staff. The camaraderie that flowed gave credence to a bond that has been established in the course of working together.

The chairman of the occasion, Mr. Alphonsus Iyorlaha was well chosen. He has been a friend of the celebrant for over thirty years, and as a result spoke of him in glowing colours, saying the organization was reaping in bountiful folds as a result of the Director General’s faith in placing the Fund in the hands of God.

Mr. Dickson Onuaha, speaking on behalf of management of the Fund, told guests present the Director General has helped them stand on their toes as his passion for its success has continued to propel them to greater heights. For him to be honoured on this day by the Plateau Patriots, it was an indication that more laurels were on the way; even as he promised that the management and staff were solidly behind him to succeed in his last tenure.

A once labour leader at the Fund, Ishaya Audu wondered why he was chosen to speak on behalf of the retirees staff when there were retired directors in their fold gave account of his activism. He entered a caveat before speaking: He has not been bought to speak of the accounts of things he knew about the organization since Sir Ari came on board; he was helping others know.

Since his arrival in 2016, a hitherto prevailing rancorous industrial atmosphere involving the two in-house unions and management coupled with petition writing ruled the landscape disappeared into thin air. He said since his arrival, anytime there was a matter to be ironed out, before the union leaders arrive to see him, he had found a solution already. No wonder, it is apparent giving the way the retirees appear, they are not any different from the staff as may be obtained elsewhere; where their condition is a yardstick to the sufferings they go through after leaving work.

Again, contractors and SIWES have not found cause to complain of non-payment of their entitlements. If no one is being owed, it is right to conclude that it can be sustained knowing that the first four years were just a preamble. ‘It is now that he can, with seriousness demonstrate that it is possible to sustain the momentum’. No wonder knowing their contributions, Sir Ari showers encomiums on them for their services to the organization and the nation.

The successes of those first four years; knowing him cannot be a fluke. That is why when Sir Joseph Ari spoke at the event; he said he was happy that charity was beginning at home, as it has been proven by the Plateau Patriots that indeed, a prophet can be accepted at home, if his antecedence were proven.

To proof that such was the case, he recognized management staff, who are 8 males, 8 females to stand up. He told the guests that the reason the Fund had succeeded because was because, teamwork was their middle name; even as all were loyal, hardworking and committed. He said that as the ‘head boy’ he was first among equals working to ensure that the mandate of the Fund was realized.

To succeed, he told the guests that ‘I had to go to the Chapel of Adoration today to present myself before God for direction. I told Him that I have come again, because four years ago I presented myself and handed the Fund to you. Here am I handing it over to you again, do to it according to your riches in glory’.

Concluding, Sir Joseph Ari said, ‘there lies ahead of us great exploits. The race is not in the beginning, it is the end of it that matters. We want to end on a high crescendo’.

This was a wish and prayer for the staff and the organization. Sir Joseph Ntung Ari, Knight of Saint Sylvester (KSS) is aware that even in this too, God shall order his steps!