By Nangwang Michael Nanyah, Bukuru. 

Prophet Dr Abel Peters Usman, the man of steel,of the Abel Usman Foundation, which is a Non Governmental Organisation that reaches out to the needy and the less priviledged Youths, Women and Children, is not only a saint like,but also a Prophet of God,under the Truth Embassy Global Ministries.His kindness and drive has earned him a decoration on the 5th December, 2020 at the House of Prayer of the Universe with various other Spiritual Leaders, and particularly,the likes of another strong willed personality,Deaconess Mrs. Nanbam Esther Eniola, another kind hearted person,were decorated as Chaplains.

They have something in common, which is their aspiration for positions in the political space, and eventually into the Government,to further help the less privileged Youths, Women and Children.

The occasion for their decoration started at the early hours of 10:00am at Lomay Road, Sabon Barki, along Yakubu Gowon Expressway, Jos, Plateau State where prayers were said to involve the Almighty and other pleasantries. The event started with a beautiful march pass by the soon to be Chaplains which was the highlight of the day.They marched beautifully making a normal person think of joining the military due to the exhilarating performance. Later on in the day,they were inspected by their superiors.

Checking them properly which was heartwarming due to time and care taken to look the part of soldiers of the Lord. After that, the march pass was at it's natural spectacular end with a thrilling demonstration of military discipline. 

The occasion ended with their decorations on shoulders and smiles on their faces and those who attended the fascinating demonstration of the power of God's Soldier's willpower. What a beautiful day,it was added.

 At the end of the celebration, alot of people were proud of the new Chaplains.

In an interview with the two important Soldiers of God, Prophet Dr Abel Usman Peters and Deaconess Mrs. Nanbam Esther Eniola now Chaplains with the NewsGate Magazine SpecialEvents Reporter,Nangwang Michael Nanyah, we have the unputdownable interviews thus:


NewsGate Magazine: Congratulations on your well deserved decoration as a Chaplain,how do you feel about your decorations as a Chaplain?

Abel Peters Usman: I have alot of gratitude to the Lord Almighty, its an opportunity I don't deserve to be a part of the Nigeria Fellowship of Chaplains, I am so honored to God's glory.On behalf of my family and the Truth Embassy Ministry towards an appreciation to God Almighty.

NewsGate Magazine: Do you have any ambition you would like the general public to know about, come 2023?

Abel Peters Usman: My stand is more than just the advocate of an ambition but an aspiration that comes by inspiration, a better representation I believe for my constituency which has been my drive even before now and God has helped me to be part of the exercise in 2019 and by the Grace of God, we are still hoping by 2023 we should be able to be at the fore front to still return again.

 My own aspiration that comes by inspiration,promises a better representation in our constituency,which I believe is at the bottom of my heart, deserves to be represented well in the National Assembly and by God's Grace I will be part of the 2023 elections.

NewsGate Magazine: Do you have any comment to the general public concerning your aspiration?

Abel Peters Usman: Everyone knows that Nigeria is not at its best for now, as everything is out of place and I believe that such setbacks are because of lack of good representation and leadership in the country.So my call always is, to push and push till we are in the position to effect a dream of a better Nigeria to come through. I believe if we are together with such drive we will do that one day.


NewsGate Magazine: For the sake of our readers, may we know you in details?

Deaconess Nanbam Esther Danjuma Eniola: My name is Nanbam Esther Danjuma Nee Jacob Lot.I am a happily married woman who is married to an Architect and he is from Taraba State. I have five Children.I read Management in the University of Jos also having the privilege to go to school in the UK.

NewsGate Magazine: Congratulations on your well deserved decoration as a Chaplain,how do you feel about that?

Deaconess Nanbam Esther Danjuma Eniola:I feel elated,happy and we thank God that the day has finally come since we have been practicing it for a long time and I thank God we have been able to achieve everything.

NewsGate Magazine: Do you have any ambition you would like the general public to know about?

Deaconess Nambam Esther Danjuma Eniola: In the last elections I did come out for the last elections for the seat of the House of Representatives under Mangu/Bokkos Federal Constituency and I intend coming back again by the Grace of God. I know that there are not many women in the Central Zone but by the Grace of God, I would love to surprise the masses. 

What I am about is, Agriculture, Emancipation of our people, Education and getting Jobs for our youths. I intend to work on infrastructure and setting our health systems and I intend to generally reach out to people as a woman. 

God has created us to be compassionate and we do what we give to do very well. When you give a woman something little to do, she does it better.I want to say I am that kind of woman and a Godly woman. I will by God's Grace emancipate our people.

NewsGate Magazine: Do you have any comment that you would like to make about Nigeria?

Deaconess Nanbam Esther Danjuma Eniola: Well,times are hard, but we thank God for being God. When you are in God's camp,He sees everything. The bible says weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. So I believe in Nigeria. Joy is coming, Joy has come infact. We just have to hold dearly to our God and do what it takes to make it better knowing that 2021 will be better for us all In Jesus name.