Nde Gotring who was represented at the Ngas Youth Movement (NYM Home Branch) Fund Raising Program geared towards the establishment of an Information and Communication Technology centre by Hon. (Nde) Joseph Gonsum tasked the Ngas youths to embrace peace and unity especially at this trying times in our nation. According to him, "peace and unity are virtues that we all must embrace for a better Ngas nation where we will see ourselves as one pursuing the same goal in life".

The gubernatorial hopeful come 2023 who also chaired the epoch making event was full of accolades for the Ngas youth leadership at home through whose idea the event came to light to continue to create more room for programs like this that will help in uniting the Ngas nation. To him, the ICT centre when established will help the youths in many  ways considering the fact that the world has moved from a global village to what he referred to as a global self/family where individuals with digital knowledge can perform wonders within a short frame of time.

In his usual way of giving back to society, Nde Gotring supported the program with computers and photocopiers to assist the Ngas youths set up the ICT centre in time. High point of the program was a paper presentation by a distinguished Ngas Scholar Dr. Ayuba Gongu titled Unity Among the Ngas People: Going beyond the rhetorics.

Aaron Agwom

For: Nde Dauda Wuritka Gotring.