Plateau deputy speaker and member representing Dengi state constituency, Rt Hon Saleh Shehu Yipmong alongside party officials, APC Elders, APC Youths groups had a remarkable adventure at Bwalangyip, Bagyar and Bankilong in gumsher ward.

The Rt Hon deputy speaker was at Bwalangyip to Grace the wedding of his constituents, where he charged them love  to love themselves and build a happy home in a Godly way.

He then proceeded to Bagyar to attend a community development annual launching for the construction of examination hall in their community secondary school. As a son and people centered representative who holds them in high esteem, the spirit of participatory approach to community development support the launching with one hundred and fifty thousand naira cash (150,000.00) and offset the school fees of six (6) secondary school students for one year each who participated in a debate competition as opening phase of the program.

The deputy speaker departed for Bankilong amidst cheers.

The Saturday adventure was climaxed with Bankilong day where the Deputy Speaker appreciated the community for their continuous support and prayers as he promised to identify with them. He support the program with one hundred thousand naira cash (100,000.00) on behalf of himself and presented one hundred thousand naira cash (100,000.00) for the chairman of the even and his colleague who is the member representing shendam state constituency and one hundred thousand naira cash (100,000.00) for his brother Rt Hon Yusuf Adamu Gagdi MHR PKK both of whom were unable to make it to the event due to tight schedule. Rt Hon Yipmong doles out cash to constituents before departing to jos.