The Nigerian start-up ecosystem in the future will be very exciting. We have already seen massive growth and development this year alone.The narrative of the country is fast changing for the positive as more and more younger founders are creating companies that are fast turning to unicorns.

Flutterwave raised a massive $170 Million on $1 Billion Valuation. Paystack sold for $200 million, there will be more fintech platforms that will emerge and transform the financial landscape of the country. Developers have taken their frustrations with our banking sector and have launched digital Banks that are easy, online and serve all the purposes they need. Still more payment platforms will emerge.

The synonymity of Nigeria and 419 or financial fraud will be a thing of the past as developers have taken center stage shipping Apps, exchange platforms, digital wallet solutions etc and the international tech community has noticed. We have some of the best developers working on breakthrough solutions in Healthcare, E-Commerce Blockchain and Crypto. We are working on some of the most ground-breaking digital solutions that will transform the entire healthcare sector. As far as I’m concerned the health sector in Nigeria is in a state of emergency, In 2018 the Medical Association of Nigeria warned there were 75,000 registered doctors in Nigeria but only 40,000 practiced within the country. About 12 doctors leave the country weekly. The health crisis in Nigeria is unprecedented, this must and will change, thankfully we’re working towards that.

Nigeria will no doubt, fast emerge as the Tech hub of Africa and more and more people will migrate from Lagos to Abuja. The beauty, better roads, less traffic, electricity and proximity to policy makers will make it an inevitable logic. Access to funding for pre-seed & seed will massively change as we see $1million and above pre-seed funding and huge leaps in series A and beyond. More professionals will earn more because of these start-ups. Much more women will be integrated into the ecosystem and workplace and even more will earn equal pay to their counterpart. Tech will also create more women executives and CEO’s. More foreigners will start working full-time on Nigerian start-ups and innovations. This has already been the case with companies like Paystack & Flutterwave this year.

I see 2021 having Nigerian start-ups creating first of the kind innovations and solutions. Nigeria has always had some of the best academics professors engineers and now software developers and we will be internationally recognized for it. With better communication and global access this talent will increase exponentially and the level of expertise will too. Despite the insecurities and incompetency’s of some of our policy makers I see a bright future for Nigeria and the world will be surprised by it.