Leadership of the Joint Campus Committee(JCC) of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Plateau State Chapter at the weekend  frowned  at the highest level of disrespect and arrogance  exhibited by the Members of the plateau state house of Assembly to the Government and good people of the state by boycotting the public hearing on the amendment of the constitution by the federal house of representatives 

A statement signed by Comrade Mattew Jerry NANS JCC Chairman 

Plateau State and made available to newsmen in Jos reads that This singular act is the most unfortunate thing that has ever happened in our entire history.

It reads that "As Students and leaders of tomorrow, we wonder the kind of lessons they are trying to teach the younger generation."

"Most annoying is the fact that Mr Governor being a former speaker and member of the Assembly has been very supportive in the activities of this current assembly right from it inception. "

The statement further reads that Without  Missing words we are calling on the members to immediately tender an apology to the Governor or face the wrap of Nigerian Students here on the plateau.

We will not hesitate to start mobilizing our constituency in collaboration with other youths groups to commence their recall.


The group thanked  his excellency  for  his maturity and fatherly dispositions in the handling the affairs of the State .