The Hon. Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Sadiya Umar Farouq on Tuesday, issued engagement letters and tablets to 76 trained Independent Monitors of the activities of the National Social Investment (NSIP) in Plateau State.

Recalled that the ministry flagged off the training of 5,000 Independent Monitors for NSIP in Abuja on February 04, 2021. Thereafter, subsequent training was carried out across the country from February 2021 to April 2021. It was on this basis that the letters of engagement and Devices were given to the trained Independent Monitors. 
The minister noted that the Devices are  made in Nigeria and the Monitoring Application also designed by an indigenous Company and equipped with an Application that would be used to report on monitoring activities of the trained Independent Monitors.

Shedding more light on the Application, the minister said, "The Application, which we called the Social Investment Management Information System (SIMIS), is a mobile and web-based Application designed for monitoring the Social Investment Program. Using the Application, the ministry sees real time report of activities of the Independent Monitors on the field. We can view reports submitted and see the NSIP performance indicators by state. This will enable the ministry to detect areas where there are challenges and provide greater visibility of activities happening in the field. Essentially, it will help us deliver on our mandate and contribute to Mr. President's vision of lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty".

She further stated that each Independent Monitor was expected to Monitor a designated number of beneficiaries of the NSIP and must meet up to 80 percent of their deliverables monthly to be eligible for the monthly stipend of N30, 000 .

Farouq added that the engagement letter clearly articulated the scope of work of the Independent  Monitors which include; Routine monitoring of all programs under the NSIP, provision of evidence- based report on findings in the field, submission of various categories of reports in accordance with the set timelines, attending all trainings and meetings as required by the ministry and other duties that may be assigned by the ministry.

The Hon. Minister further warned Independent Monitors against assigning their responsibilities to third parties. "Every Independent Monitor will be held accountable by the ministry for the task given to them. The ministry reserves the right to disengage an Independent Monitor for misconduct or noncompliance with set guidelines and directives", she said.

Consequently, the minister urged the Independent Monitors to carry out the assignment with utmost sense of patriotism, diligence and sincerity stressing that the ministry will not accept anything less than the set standards.

Earlier in her address, the Executive Assistant to the Governor/Focal Person, National Social Investment program, Dr. Sumaye Hamza noted that taking into cognizance the quantum of intervention programs by Government and the number of beneficiaries, the need for monitoring became imperative. "We are all aware that monitoring helps to improve performance by tracking result. At this level, the purpose of monitoring is to track implementation and outputs to understand the effectiveness of NSIP generally. The outcome of monitoring will shape future plan through using lessons learnt, successes and even gaps. Monitoring ensures programme for Result", she said.

In the light of the above, Dr. Hamza called on the Independent Monitors and all and sundry to ensure that there is effective implementation of all the components of NSIP in Plateau State. According to the Focal Person, "Monitoring and reporting your activity is a big but important responsibility which you must take with all seriousness. You are doing service to the nation. Let me remind you that you are given stipends to do the work and therefore, we do not want to hear you collecting finances from any beneficiary. The general public should note that NSIP is at no cost to beneficiaries, it is totally free". 

Dr. Hamza commended the Hon. Minister and her Team for ensuring that the program was effectively implemented nationwide. 

She also commended Governor Simon Lalong for providing all the necessary requirements including an enabling environment for immediate commencement of NSIP as soon as President Muhammadu Buhari flagged off the program in 2016.

In his goodwill message, the Director of National Orientation Agency, Plateau State, Nanyak Zinkat observed that SIP is one good thing that has happened to this country as it has positively touched  the lives of mostly, the youths, women and the aged. He said that the job of the Independent Monitors would be a determinant factor for government to know if it is doing a good job or not. The Director urged the Independent Monitors to be dedicated and committed in carrying out their jobs.
Some of the beneficiaries who spoke to African Drum (Nanret John Parlang and Abdullahi Abbas Salihu), all promised not to failed the ministry as they were set to give their best to ensure the success of the program.

You would recall that NSIP,  a brain child of President Buhari was  established in 2016 with the mandate of lifting citizens out of poverty through a number of social interventions which include the Job Creation Program (N-Power), National Home Grown School Feeding Program (NHFSFP), Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) and the Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme (GEEP).