By Daniel Dauda, Jos

A non governmental organization as transfer of appropriate sustainable technology and expertise (TASTE) Nigeria has hand over facilities worth about thirty million (N30,000,000.00) Naira to aid water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in four communities in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau state.

Our correspondent observed that the four beneficiary communities are; Rawuk, Turu, Chugwi and Vom Christian hospital respectively all under Vwang district.

Speaking during the official commissioning of the project on Wednesday in Rawuk, the Country director of TASTE Nigeria Nuhu Yakubu said the project is aimed at eradicating water born disease and other illness.

According to him:"this project is basically water, sanitation and hygiene which is aimed at improving the health and well being of Vwang community.

"It was triggered as a result of typhoid situation that was identified at the Vom Christian hospital, and then Rotary international from United kingdom, TASTE Nigeria and oversea Christian fellowship fellowship of Nigeria put their heads together to ensure that Vwang community get clean water to reduce cases of water born diseases and other illness.

"Four solar power boreholes with 25,000 liters tank capacity, and latrine toilet facility had been installed in each of the four community, reticulated with water to encourage the members of the communities to put it to use", Yakubu stated.

He further revealed that right from onset they have selected and trained about 120
Community members on clean water sustainability.

" we trained them on water sanitation and hygiene and other tropical diseases, COVID-19 and nutrition, and they also encourage to man those facilities by taking care of it to ensure that the long term impact is reach.

"Those who trained they should also create awareness on how people should used toilet rather than open defecation and we're fully aware that Nigeria is the number one who practice open defecation and Kogi State is first in the country while Plateau ranked second.

"It is our responsibility to see that Plateau reduce the number of open defecation that is why we provide this toilets and these toilets are models for families to look into it", he concluded.

Sani Philip the representative of Rotary international said they are the primary sponsored of the project since 2004 when Mr. Maurice came down to Vom Christian hospital and saw the pains that people are passing through as a result of lack of clean water and sanitation hygiene.

His Royal Highness Da Gyang Balak, Gwom Rwei Vwang district commended TASTE Nigeria for achieving the execution of the projects within a record time as he charged his subjects to ensure judicious use of the facility.

The monarch also called on government and other donor agencies to intensify action by providing more to curb the infiltration of poor hygiene.

Two of the trainees Mrs. Regina Joseph and Miss Blessing Peter said they have learned a lot from the training and promised to transmit same to their various community.

While expressing optimism with the level of project executed which they adjudged it will go a long way in addressing water problems experienced over the years.