Group operating under the ageis of Rescue Monitoring Team on Wednesday alleged that the impeached Speaker of the Plateau state assembly Ayuba Abok demanded 200 million naira to allow Governor Simon Lalong to present the 2022 budget to the house .

The statement jointly signed by Comrade Iliya Mark, JP Chairman of the group and Comrade Tina Dabak Secretary respectively reads that  for those who are hailing the former impeached Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly as a hero of democracy and one who claims to be "standing" with the people of Plateau

State will be shocked to hear this. 

It has now been revealed that the former Speaker has been notorious in corruption and neck deep in using his position to extort money from those who approached the House with any Bill during his tenure. 

One of the worst cases is the fact that in October 2021, months after Governor Simon Bako Lalong granted autonomy to the legislature, former Speaker Abok demanded for 200 million naira from the Governor before he would allow the 2022 appropriation Bill to be presented to the House. 

The refusal of the Governor to yield to this act of corruption led to blatant refusal of the impeached Speaker to allow the budget to be laid on the floor of the House. This heightened the frustrations of the members especially those in the APC were shocked that Abok who is supposedly an APC member and got to the seat on account of the majority status of the APC, was toying with the future of the State he claims to be "standing" for. 

This according to the majority leader of the House, Hon. Naanlong Daniel pushed them to move against the former Speaker and save democracy in Plateau State from being truncated by a selfish and corrupt youth who has damaged the chances of youths in governance through corruption, ineptitude, arrogance, pride and irresponsibility. 

But the members of the opposition PDP both in the House and elsewhere who know these facts are in cahoots with the former Speaker enjoying the loot and bent on using the rejected former Speaker to distabilise the Government and fool the naive and gullible who are ignorant of the corrupt tendencies of the impeached Speaker. 

In addition to this, he has embezzled millions of naira belonging to the House which came in as a result of the autonomy granted by the same Governor Lalong that he is conspiring with PDP members to castigate and abuse. 

When his colleagues called him to account, he started running helter skelter claiming to be "standing with the people". His cup is full and he is now exposed. He must account for his misdeeds and prove his innocence before the law. No amount of blackmail and media propaganda will save him. Only the truth will. 

With this revelation, the bubble has bursted on the hypocrisy, lies and cheap propaganda of the former Speaker and his PDP collaborators who up till Monday 1st November 2021, were still joking that they are still interested in returning corrupt impeached Abok as a Speaker despite his rejection by majority of the House. 

They were seen in a viral video on social media begging Governor Lalong and President Buhari to intervene and return the corrupt Abok to office aa Speaker despite the stench of loot on him. 

All of a sudden, they seem to forget the meaning of autonomy which they fought for and secured through the Governor who was the first in the country to implement despite cold feet by other Governors. 

In the coming days, it is hoped that corrupt Abok will begin to confess his sins to the law enforcement agencies when they call him to account for his stewardship and answer corruption charges that he has refused to tender before his colleagues despite several demands. No wonder he shut down the House since August and refused to reconvene for fear of accountability. 

Now that he has been exposed for who he is, we hope the good citizens of Plateau State who have been hoodwinked into believing the lies of the erstwhile Speaker will disregard his antics and allow peace to reign in the State. He cannot hold down the entire State because of the skeletons in his cupboard. 

We await the denial of the former Speaker to enable us tender the evidence to the public for perusal. We shall not hesitate to upload other of his dirty deals to the public if he challenges us. For  now we leave it at this. Let the public know the truth before Abok leads them astray.