Comrade Henry Jadike Alkali Sr presenting a certificate to Hon. Peter Arin Atsen

By Daniel Dauda, Jos

A reputable organization under the aegis of Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) has honor Hon. Peter Arin Atsen with award of outstanding leadership quality as Assistant Ambassador Military Intelligence Plateau State (AAMIPS).

Arin is a managing director of Club Arin that is located along Lamingo road, Jos North Plateau State said were appointed to oversee the office due to his numerous support in humanitarian contributions towards the growth of peace in the state.

Meanwhile, by virtue of the appointment Hon. Peter Arin Atsen is now to be assistant Ambassador of military intelligence working with IIS. Col.Ada Chiroma Rtd.

While presenting the award recently in Jos, Comrade Henry Jadike Alkali Sr, deputy chairman of Arewa Consultative Forum Plateau State on behalf of the Chairman Mohammed Tale, acknowledged that a patriotic citizen of Plateau is carefully selected in the quest of searching for a selfless ambassador.

He said Arin is a civilian with a military mentality.

According to him, " so we are here to honor him because he has been supporting the Vigilante groups, Neighborhood watch, Hunters Association with his resources".

Comrade Henry vehemently condemned the continue unabated killings of innocent lives, bad governance, that the forum is ready take a drastic measures against enemies of Plateau.

"We are so concerned over insurgency, banditry and terrorism challenges that we are facing in Plateau State. We are highly disappointed over the misfortune that has engulfed Plateau State that has known for peace over the years.

"We are also disappointed over the enemies of this state is doing to disrupt the hard earned peace as it where!

" I am so disheartened over the mismanagement of some of our leaders in the hem of affairs, especially those in Government public offices. Some of them are so much corrupt to the extend that corruption has eaten deep into the fabric of our society at different states, including that of Plateau State that has degenerated to something worrisome,  something unpleasantly ugly, something which has now translated into a cankaworm in the society.

"It is unavoidably on record that to say that corruption has now given birth to bad leadership at every level of professionalism from point A to Z, from up to the bottom and from bottom up.

"I know that there are people somewhere who are happily masterminding the crisis in Plateau State. I am pleading that if you know whoever is involved, you should come up and tender a report to this reputable organization (ACF) and we should address it squarely with no exception and regard for any person at all. We are committed to serve our fatherland.

"Those who thought we were joking would now realize that we are formidably gallant to take the war to our enemies, especially those who are causing mayhem in Plateau State. We are united and undivided as a people", Comrade Henry mentioned.

He also revealed that ACF is non religious and non political organization, and whoever intended to join the forum must be a person of proven integrity, fearless, morally sound, security conscious, leadership by example, willing to sacrifice resources for the goals the forum set out to achieve in the year 2022.

However, Hon. Peter Arin Atsen shortly after receiving the award made it known to Journalists that his intention of accepting the recognition and joining as an officially appointed member of the forum is to contributes his own quota towards actualizing the admirable goals and it's core mandate of sustaining a crime free society.

Stakeholders Mr. John Afan and Mr. Pius Tusule  who graced the award presentation to Hon. Peter Arin Atsen by Arewa Consultative Forum said they were not surprised for such a reputable organization to recognize one of their own looking at his track records as far as community building is concern.