It is in the spirit of patriotism and a call to contribute positively towards the total restoration and sustenance of peace and security in Nigeria that we humbly request to join hands together towards restoration of peace and Security in our dear Nation.

 The purpose of the magazine is to get first-hand information on the efforts, successes, challenges and long term solutions for the attainment of peace and Security.

The Magazine is an initiative of the First Samaritan Love Foundation (FISALOF) which is envisioned to rewrite and retell the story of the sacrifices and contributions of the various Nigerian security agencies and other stakeholders in the fight against economic sabotage, terrorism, banditry and external aggression. 

The Peace and Security Magazine seeks to achieve two main goals. Firstly, the publication seeks to help in reaffirming the security integrity of Nigeria among comity of Nations. This is believed to be a factor of motivation to many citizens to continue to defend the country with might and enthusiasm. Secondly, the publication shall enlighten Nigerians on Economy, peace and Security, thereby resulting in a more robust synergy that is required to crush the various vices hampering on the peace and security of the nation.

FISALOF is a concerned civil society Organization in Nigeria that has embarked on such important civic obligation that has acquainted itself with the numerous untold successes, achievements and strides of various esteemed personalities in performing great responsibilities, and has painstakingly thought of having a viable platform through which the aforementioned will be brought to public knowledge With the hope that Nigeria will be better.

Thank you for your time and accept the assurance of our highly esteemed regards.