By- Aweng Akim

Nigeria is a compelling paradox. The seventh producer of crude oil in the world, the biggest economy in Africa, with vast arable land, endowed with huge mineral resources, yet a vast majority of the citizens are living in unimaginable poverty (78%), youth unemployment is at (33.3%), ranked number 3 in global terrorism index. Question, what is the problem? Largely the leadership recruitment process!!
Nigeria, the most populous black nation, is home to around 200 million people with an annual population growth of 2.61 percent. Currently, over 33.6 million (16.8 percent) Nigerians regarded as youths are aged between 15 and 35. However, according to statistics, about 43.69 percent of Nigeria’s total population were aged 0 to 14 in 2019. This means that in the nearest future, the youths will increasingly form the bulk of the country’s population as children grow older into young adults.
Nigeria has been unable to make meaningful progress over the years, largely due to bad leadership which has emanated to unemployment, poverty, corruption and insecurity. This nation has failed to utilize unity in diversity, and it is pertinent that youths take corrections from mistakes made in times past.
As 2023 general elections approaches, political alignments, permutations and realignments have taken a new dimension as political juggernauts, kingmaker's, stakeholders and gladiators are in the kitchen cooking what will be served to the populace as candidates and later elected officials.
Those seeking elective positions are on the move selling their candidature and the ambience is filled with political insense.
Political parties are not relenting too on their part as preparations are on top gear for yet another opportunity to regain or remain in power. It has been said that as youths, we are the leaders of tomorrow, though true, it seems false, bleak, blur and elusive as so many challenges pose a threat to this strong statement.
This piece does not intend to delve into the challenges the Nigerian youth faces in navigating the murky waters of Nigerian politics, that may be for another day and time.
Going by history as a lesson, Nigeria's political history won't be complete without appreciating the roles that youths played in achieving the much enjoyed independence. In years leading to independence the youths were the driving force behind the nationalist activities that led to the dismantling and eventual overthrow of colonialism and colonial masters.
The activities of Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Tafawa Balewa, H.O Davies, Ahmadu Bello and many others who were in their 20s and 30s cannot be over emphasized and it serves as a reference to the fact that the youths have the capacity to stir up change when they unite.
Despite this, the role of youths in Nigerian politics has received less commensurate attention, studies on democratization show
This paper attempts to remind the youths that though they are not to young to run, the realities are they are too poor to run. As sad as this may sound, this doesn't change the fact that the youths make up over 67% of registered voters, on an average which means that whoever we decide to vote is sure of winning the election.
With a rapidly expanding population, the future of Africa in general and Nigeria in particular belongs to the youths who have a vital role to play in national development.
Our country, cannot afford to have its best minds and most committed social activists remain only in the civil space. No, we simply can’t afford it, the youths have to get involved in politics. We have to be in the position to make the difference on the scale that is required.”
Plato once said "The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men"
This is therefore a call to my fellow youths to rise beyond sentiments of religion, ethnicity, political party limitations and barrier's to do the right thing by supporting only candidates who are both politically inclined and intellectually inclined. Candidates with a track record of integrity, altruism and performance.
It is also an encouragement to the youths to embrace education, entrepreneurship and be agents of unity and transformation to this great nation and state.
Youths must shun social vices like drug abuse, cultism etc. These vices is what largely leads to them being used by desperate politicians to cause mayhem, as they are being recruited as canon fodders. Reports in bokoharam, kidnapping and banditry reveals that a vast majority are youths.
We have made mistakes in the past by supporting and voting based on monetary and selfish interests which has largely been a disaster and has left us retrogressive and underdeveloped, while other nations thrive.
It is time to change strategy by uniting positively to get our nation and state working effectively and efficiently.
I'll end by quoting Abraham Lincoln the 16th president of the United States of America, he said, "the best way to predict your future is to create it" In this case we have the skills, education and numbers to create our future.
Go get your PVC's.
God bless Nigeria
God bless plateau state
God bless the great Nigerian youths.