By Martha Nyam Jos, Dec. 8, 2022 (NAN) 

The International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) have said that the eradication of political violence is key in advancing women political participation. 

The national president, FIDA, Mrs Amina Agabaje said this in a capacity building workshop for law enforcement agencies in the state in Jos on Thursday.

The workshop with the theme ‘prevention and responses to violence against women in elections, gender and disability protection approach. 

Agabaje, represented by state chairperson, Mrs Obioma Achilefu, explained that the workshop which is in partnership with the Canadian government and UN Women international seeks to address seeking security issues affecting women participation in politics. 

“Recognizable, eradication of political violence is key in advancing women political participation as it is of paramount importance to condense political violence before and after elections.

“This is so that women can fully participate in elections.

“The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) in laying credence to this fact have clearly recognized that, elections have triggered outbreak of violence. 

“Which has seen women and girls victimized which has made women a tool of political harassment and violence before during and after elections. 

“This has made female voters continue to be disproportionately affected by various forms of election related violence or threats which has the effect of keeping them away from the polling stations more than male voters.

“It is on this premise that this workshop is being organised towards improving the participation of women through the mitigation of violence perpetrated against women on the 2023 general elections. 

Agabaje stated that women shared a common feature of marginalisation in the sphere of public life, and their participation and representation in political life continues to be minimal. 

She observed the low women participation in Nigeria's electoral  process which she said has limited their contribution to decision making and democratic growth despite representing about 50 percent of the Nigerian population.

On her part, Mrs Rita Lasoju, FIDA National Officer, indicated that data shows that women rates of participation in formal decision making remain one of the lowest on the continent and across the world. 

Lasoju stated that women occupy an abysmal 5.6 percent (86 out of 1534) of all elective positions at both the national and subnational levels.

She said current statistics of women in parliament in Nigeria confirm that women representation in parliament was on a steady decline, with 9 percent in 2007, 7 in 2011, 5 in 2015 and less than 10 percent in the 9th  Assembly. 

She regretted that using 2015 figures, there were only 4 women deputy Governors in all of Nigeria's 36 states. 

Similarly, Chundung Dauda, Programme Specialist, UN women, said that the anticipated outcomes of the workshop would result to strengthened capacities of law enforcement officers in responding to violence against women in elections.

Dauda said that the eradication of political violence was no doubt essential to women participation in elections.

A participant, Supol Dan Igagu, stated that the training would equip them in identifying and tackling security challenges that affect women participation during the 2023 elections. (NAN) (