A group under the aegis of Plateau Support Network has expressed confidence that the Supreme Court would be fair, transparent and just on the judgment coming up against Governor of Plateau State, Caleb Mutfwang.

The Convener, comrade Sokshak Shikse in a solidarity walk in support of Mutfwang, noted that the people of  Plateau within a shortest space of time have witnessed exemplary leadership, a quality which the state have bereft for many years.

The solidarity walk which started from Secretariat Junction to All Airport Junction saw hundreds of support carrying placards with different inscriptions, " Mutfwang our choice, the Court room is not the ballot, for today for posterity, Mutfwang has our mandate."

Shikse while addressing the crowd said, Mutfwang within months after his inauguration, his administration through the agency God’s will and the support and partnership of relevant bodies, made tangible progress in providing security, roads and amenities, human capital development among other developmental strides. 

"His passion for fostering unity and peaceful coexistence among various demographics in the state has not been unnoticed by all. Indeed, the people of Plateau have, within a short space of time witnessed the dividends of exemplary leadership, a quality which the state has been bereft of for many years.

"These, and much more are the reasons the PLATEAU SUPPORT NETWORK and indeed responsible citizens of the state have gathered here to express our unequivocal, unalloyed and resounding support and vote of confidence for His Excellency, Barrister Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang and his “THE TIME IS NOW” administration, through this solidarity walk. We believe that the works of faithful public servants of his ilk leave legacies that will positively affect the lives of generations yet unborn, as is evident the civilizations of history. 

The Convener stated that the
recent events at the Appeal court which nullified the election of Mutfwang has left a lot to be desired. 

According to him, "the popular will of the peace loving people of Plateau State as expressed at the polls on the 18th day of March 2023 is under a looming threat. We only ask that the courts recognize and respect the mandate given by the people to this administration, and strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution regarding the process of its judgments at the petitions tribunal. 

"We have faith in the hallowed chambers of the Judiciary of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and believe that her worthy Judges will execute temperance and an unwavering sense of justice while hearing and judging the elections petition case at the supreme court, God helping them. 

"The people of Plateau State will hold on to their witness of our dear state rising out of the ashes of gross malgovernance, and our strong faith in the action administration of His Excellency, Governor Caleb Mutfwang, to the glory of God."