As part of measures to improve the living standard of citizens, Plateau State Governor, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang has issued Executive order 003, 2024, to guide against unwarranted buildings and vehicular in the state and pave way for the effective implementation of the greater Jos master plan.

General Manager Jos Metropolitan Development Board,JMDB, Arch. Hart Bankat made this known Tuesday in Jos, while addressing newsmen as the Executive order is in line with section 5(2) of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended.

He acknowledged that in consideration of the Indiscriminate manner in which buildings are being erected and traffic control abymally degenerate within the Greater Jos Master plan and the prevalence of building collapse,the Government of Plateau State deems it necessary to control the manner of construction of buildings and ensure effective traffic control in the state.

According to him, and whereas, indiscriminate use and parking of vehicles within the Greater Jos Master plan has hampered free vehicular movement as well as posing a security threat to the citizenry, the Government consider it necessary to sanitise the traffic vector in the State for security and ease of transportation.
"Now therefore, pursuant to the powers vested in me by section 5 (2)of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,1999 and my inherent as the Governor of Plateau state, Nigeria, I order as thus:

" The rates for Processing Fees and Building Plant Fees shall henceforth be reviewed annually based on the tones.

"Erecting a building without first obtaining approval is hereby prohibited,and violation shall be lable to pay 50% of the estimated value of such building.

"owners of demolished buildings shall be made to bear the cost of such demolition,
forensics shall be conducted on any building within the Greater Jos Master Plan that collapses due to structural defect,if in is found to be due to the carelessness of the Developer/Owner or boycoft of due processes,such a site will be taken over by the Government;

"Owners of buildings without approvals that are condonable within the Greater los Master Plan who have not regularized same within the time given shall be lable to a fine not less than N1,000,000.00(One Million Naira only  for failure to obtain the approval within the stipulated period;

"Traders doing business on sites not designated for such shall cease immediately: anyone in default shall have their items confiscated and same donated to the Internally Displaced Persons Camp or the Correctional Centres;
"Pasting of posters on public infrastructure is prohibited forthwith and violators shall
be liable to pay the sum of N500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira only):

"Indiscriminate parking of trucks, heavy-duty equipment, and other vehicles within the
metropolis is prohibited and vehicles so parked shall be impounded and the drivers of same shall be liable to pay a fine of N500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira only) as penalty;

"Trucks and other heavy-duty vehicles are hereby restricted from coming into the
Central Business Area (Jos-Bukuru Metropolis) from the hours of 6 am to 9 pm,
vehicles of defaulters shall be impounded and the drivers of same shall be liable to
pay a fine of N500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira only), areas referred to are
as contained in the schedule attached to this order;

"Stray animals within the metropolis are hereby prohibited and such stray animals if found, shall be forfeited to the Government or the owners shall be liable to pay a fine of N250,000.00 (Two Hundred and fifty Thousand Naira only).

The JMDB Boss further revealed the effective date of the order shall:
(a) in the case of the control of buildings, be the 10th day of June, 2024;
(b) in the case of vehicular traffic, be the 19th day of March, 2024;
(c) have a life span of 90 (Ninety) days from the date of its commencement in each case, subject to renewal.