The Plateau Initiative for Development and Advancement of the Natives, PIDAN , the umbrella body of all the indigenous ethnic Development Associations in Plateau state has congratulated Barr. Simon Bako Lalong on his reelection as Governor of the state.

In its congratulatory statement signed by its PRO Stephen Sarki Musa , PIDAN describes the reelection of Governor Simon Bako Lalong as God destined, and attributed his success to his humility and disposition toward good governance.

"Your success at the polls is a proof of your humility, the good leadership you provided which is humane, kind,  friendly and devoid of vindictiveness, as well as your disposition towards good governance", PIDAN said in the message,   adding that " this could be attested in the peaceful manner, the citizens conducted themselves throughout the periods of campaigns and elections".

PIDAN commended the citizens for their peaceful conducts and said that their actions justified the clarion calls PIDAN had made in that respect.

"We are proud of Plateau citizens for their peaceful conducts, which ranked the state as first among equals, since no single case of violence was recorded", PIDAN said, adding that, such peace was achieved because of friendly disposition of the people which is built on their desire and believe of being their  neighbours keepers.
The organization then called on the Governor to look at his first tenure deeply with the view to correcting noticeable lapses.
It further commended the Governor for identifying and attributing his success to the efforts of the citizens irrespective of their divide.

PIDAN then urged the Governor to ensure he keeps to his campaign promises as well as  equity in the distribution of amenities and appointments to cover the entire Local Governments and the respective ethnic nationalities that constitute the state.

The statement appealed to the citizens to keep on praying for the success of the administration and the peace of the state.

PIDAN further commended the Governor for ensuring  relative peace returns within the state, but it  however called on the Government to review its security architecture to include ways of tackling the issue of kidnapping, which seems to be a new phenomenon.

It also called on the citizens to support government efforts of securing the state by reporting suspicious movements and persons to the appropriate authorities, as well as been their neighbours keepers.