By Andrew Jerry

The Executive Secretary, Plateau Muslims Pilgrims Walefare Board (MPWB), Barr. Auwal Abdullahi has commended the Leadership style of Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong the captain of the Rescue mission for doing well enough in restoring confidence between the Christians, Muslims and to those that worshipped agnostic. He said that, it is to the credit of this administration that the state has enjoyed a relative peace since the inception of this administration in 2015 through dialogue with the various affected communities within the state.

Mr. Abdullahi stated this in his office while answering questions from our correspondent on governor Simon Bako Lalong's  achievements since assumption of office of the governor in May. 29 2015.

Barr. Abdullahi scored governor Lalong high in seeing to the plight of the board, and in sponsoring more than 300 Muslims pilgrims to the holy land to observe their laser Hajj, and as far as the Walefare of the board in the state is concerned, and it is the greatest achievements so far recorded in this office.

The secretary of the board said: " I was appointed in March 2018. So, I'm barely one year in the office, but to God be the glory, I under-took the 2018 Hajj operation it was under my leadership that I supervised the operation and it went on successfully. The greatest achievement of the rescue administration of Barr Simon Bako Lalong is the fact that the government has stabilized the state. It has restored confidence between the Muslims, the Christians and even the agnostic.

It is to the credit of this administration that the state has enjoyed a relative peace since the inception of this administration in 2015 and last year in particular as far as this office is concerned, this administration has sponsored more than 300 Muslims pilgrims for the performance of their religious duties. This is one of the greatest achievements so far recorded in this office".

Barr Abdullahi added that: " it is also to the credit of this administration that whenever there's any need for assistance for this board, we don't hesitate to go and meet his Excellency, and he's ever willing to help in terms of providing the opportunity necessary support and logistics for  the office to perform effectively.

It is also to the credit of this administration that there were some shuttle diplomacy between the Plateau State and the National Hajj Commission that is between the pilgrims walefare board plateau state and the National Hajj Commission. Particularly, last year when were confronted with the problem of biometrics that is the data capture of every Pilgrim. We had to talk to the governor who intervene and intercede on behalf of the plateau Muslim pilgrims walefare board.

He spoke with the National Chairman of the commission Barr Abdullahi Muktar and he obliged his Excellency, and they send down a team of expert to come and conduct the biometric exercise here on the Plateau and it is to the credit of the governor because most state were not privy you know, to that advantage.
  He further highlighted the governor's commitment in making sure that the security of life and properties particularly that of the pilgrims were secured both in Nigeria and to their host nation of Saudi Arabia.

He went further to assert: " All pilgrims from plateau state there were no abduction, there were no case of abscondment all the pilgrims that went there about 822, we came back interct except for one woman that died of natural causes.

So, the administration of the rescue governor of Rt Hon Simon Bako Lalong has been so far so good on the Plateau as far as the Muslims are concerned and we thanked him immensely and we pray that God will continue to guide and protect him". Abdullahi stated.

Asked about the challenges of the board, the Executive Secretary said: "Challenges are part of life.

That is why you keep on struggling and a philosopher once opined that the best way out difficulty is do it. So, I cannot exonerate the board from challenges but we were able to surmount all those challenges we were not being surmountable. We've tried very well to see that we've done our best may be, with the paucity of funds from the unset but then as I told you earlier, the governor has intervened. And then there are other little hitches you know, both here in Jos and maybe before departure like ln Abuja and in Bauchi where our Pilgrims departed to the holy land so, we were able to make it in good time despite all the challenges and we'll surmount the challenges and to God be the glory for that". He maintained.

Barr Abdullahi concluded by calling on all plateau residents to live up to expectations and should live up to the slogan which is the home of peace and tourism. Let us maintain that slogan because God in his infinite mercy has sent a Messiah to us He has sent Barr Simon Bako Lalong with a clear mandate and with the mind to change plateau from good to better and from better to best he's been trying. We should all give him our support to take plateau state to the next level. God in his infinite mercy has created us to be together it is the wish of God that we should all be created and live peacefully With one another so it is better for all of us to live as brothers than for all of us to perish as fools" he pleaded.