Today, we have re-doubled our resolve to stand for and speak the truth, while working and praying against every evil alter and conspiracy especially against Christians anywhere in Nigeria.
We appreciate with gratitude to God the prayers, support and goodwill of our Trustees, Patrons members and supporter, as we also congratulate all our 2019 and previous merit award recipients into the New Year. We look forward to networking with our Award recipients in this mission of making Nigeria better and greater.
 Once more we shall remain, focused and resolute in this our vision of redeeming the land and bringing God’s glory from the Northern gate to the Southern fringes of the forest to the Atlantic.
 The spiritual energy exerted on the Jos Plateau is second to none and evidently among other factors for the contest over Jos between aliens and Jihadist and the Indigenous people.
While the Plateau State government is far from solving the incessant attacks, the state with the highest tourism potential is far from attracting tourists.
 We note the deplorable congestion and dirt in Ahmadu Bello way to Terminus, the commercial heart-nerve of Plateau state. The eye sore stretches from Yan taya to Dilimi and from old teaching hospital right through Gangare, Bauchi road as well as Nasarawa Gwon areas.
 It is also unfortunate that the Plateau State vehicle Inspection Officers (V.I.O) and the Federal Road safety Corps (FRSC) have become more of tax collector or extortionist within Jos township rather than helping to keep our roads free of traffic congestion, illegal parking and touts as well as miscreants, thus making Jos unfit for tourism.
  There is no state capital without control and left to the mercies of foreigners and also without internal control mechanism than Jos, the capital of the state with the greatest tourism potential in Nigeria if not Africa as a whole.
 While wishing and congratulating Nigerians for successful entry into the prophetic gate of Nigeria’s year of new beginning and turn around from this January 2020, we observe with dismay and sad nostalgic feeling the evil and conspiracy perpetuated against Christians especially in Northern Nigeria.
 Despite the odds, the Church and Christians are the greatest uniting and integrating force in Nigeria. As we prophetically stride into Nigeria’s year of deliverance for realignment, we call on the Muslim Umma to join force with Christian compatriots of Nigeria to make our nation one of the greatest on planet earth.
 However, while making a plea for patriots on both sides of the divide towards making Nigeria great, let our silence not be taken for granted. The message of Grace by our Divine legate, Jesus Christ in the New Testament does not necessary supersede God’s law to Moses’, “an eye for an eye” we therefore, state unequivocally clear that, every indigenous and Christian community should rise up to defend their land and lives from Fulani militia and jihadist who pepetrate their evil under different guise. The killings at Kombun district of Mangu local government of Plateau state on have confirmed our concern over the systematic and strategic decimation both psychological and physical of Christians for an eventual takeover of the lands of Northern Christians and indigenous people.
 This government leaves adduced reasons for us to believe her policies and public statement are not indifferent from the al-taqiya of Islamist and jihadist.
 The new government policy and directive for payment of various sums at registration of Christian marriages could only have come from a pharaoh. Likewise, taking of Churches is unacceptable as it is neither in tandem with our Canonical laws, levitical or ecclesiastical financial appropriations or due processes. Rather, in biblical exegesical context of canonical application, the government is entitled to make annual financial remittances to Churches.
 The Biblical “give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar” was with regards to personal incomes of Jesus Christ and his disciples as individuals not as a body of ministry, synagogue or ecclesiastical Church as could have been referred to then.
 Also for clarity, when Jesus directed shekel to be taken from the belly of the fish to pay tax to the Roman authority, it was as a personal income tax and not for the Ministry or Synagogue of Christ and the disciples. Therefore, for the Church in Nigeria to be taxed by the government of Buharior any other government or political party cabals is unacceptable as it is a continuation of the al-taqiya and subtle systematic persecution of the Church and Christians in Nigeria. However, let it be on record that we shall assiduously commence an initiative for the introduction of Canon laws and practice either fully in Nigeria or some predominant Christian states should the sharia system used to persecute Christians not be abrogated.
We can`t play the role of the second fiddle while infiltrators and jihadist determine our collective destiny and also take over our inherited lands or territories.
 We have message for terrorists groups and haters of Christians and Christianity; for every single Christian martyred, follows the conversion of hundreds if not thousands to Christianity by the power of the word and of the Holy Spirit and not the sword of Crusade.
 Ours is beyond a religion but a distinct way of Christ the redeemer. While they may boast in the shahada to destroy, we the redeemers in Christ honor life with sanctity and redeem humanity and nature. Hence, for us, it is, “To live is Christ and to die is gain…”
Therefore, the Christians shall continue to be the beacon of hope to Nigeria as we are to the whole world the light and glory of God as well as hope for humanity.
We encourage and support the south west leaders to sustain the momentum with regards the regional security initiative called Amotekun.
If sharia can be allowed albeit illegally in Nigeria, these governments have no moral right or justification to restrain leaders of the West with foresight and resolve to protect her people, a constitutional responsibility the government have failed in all regions.
 No Southerner, Igbo or Yoruba should be threatened with the 20th January 2020 ultimatum given by the Arewa youth congress leader. Nigeria does not belong to the Hausa Fulani neither is the exclusive right to threat or violence reserved for them.
 While this government of A.P.C under President Buhari has failed Nigerians abysmally with regards security; both physical and economic as we have highlighted severally, this government is not only a government ran by a few cabal who are all Muslims but it is the most nepotistic government anywhere in the world. What more evidence than the replacement of the Babatunde Fawler as head of the Federal Inland Revenue service (F.I.R.S) by a Northern Muslim not to mention the array of all military and para-military heads being Muslims. Also records have shown that of over one hundred government extra ministerial departments or agencies, over 90% are headed by Muslims some having Muslims head from the first to the third, fourth or fifth position.
The recent shameless appointment of a level twelve (12) Northern Muslim as C.E.O of Rural electrification Agency of Nigeria is a pointer as virtually all heads of government agencies; security or otherwise are beneficiaries of either nepotism, cronyism, or Islamic interest under the guise of “Northern interest” We therefore poised to ask; where are the Northern Christians in this government?
 The economic hardship, lack of mentoring or proper parental guide and the replacement of God centered values with radical religions ideology or liberal theology have resulted in high level crimes, new wave of illicit drug use and abuse.
The most recent societal menace in the North as at today is the presence of a ruthless, illegal and immoral pornographic syndicate using desperate and unsuspecting young girls as tools. With regards to these crimes and social vices, we have mechanisms to network with drugs law enforcement officials, the police and other appropriate government agencies.     
 In conclusion while appreciating the role of our media who stand up for truth, social justice and the rule of law so deficient under this administration, we particularly call on the international community, the leaders of the free world from, France and Britain in Europe to Germany, Switzerland and America to stand and support the Christians and the generality of the people of Nigeria rather than side with a system that cannot perform her Constitutional responsibility of securing the life and property of her citizens.
 It is unfortunate that the developed nations of the west, America and Asia are quick to exploit the wealth of Nigeria but are slow and blind in defending our people.
 Unfortunately, this government, dancing naked in the public market square have directed her borders to be open to the kinsmen of the President who are infiltrators or non-grata from other countries while Nigerians are daily killed by Fulani militia, terrorist if not dying from the scorch of hunger or poverty.
 We are calling on imminent Nigerian Patriots and world leaders to help Nigeria from the mayhem and onslaught of this evil in disguise leading Nigeria into a precipice.
 Once move, Mr. President Buhari, his cabal and the A.P.C government have failed the world on Leah Sharibu. Like we said earlier, this government knows what to do to release Leah but have failed again. While we leave them with the guilt and moral burden, we continue to pray for Leah Sharibu and for a greater Nigeria. We pray the release of Leah will be this A.P.C governments’ gift to Nigeria in 2020, if truly they honour their words.
 Happy New Year, God bless Nigeria

ACIPA Chairman,

Rev. Luke Shehu,

C.C - C.A.N Chairmen, National & States
 - All Church and Denominational Leaders
 - All Royal Fathers and Monarchs,
- Secretary of State U.S.A, 
 - Secretary General United Nations,
 - Common Wealth Secretary General,
 - General Secretary African Union,
 - General Secretary ECOWAS.
 - U.S Parliament,
 - British Parliament,
 - Media Organizations