Nde Gotring

Nde Dauda W. Gotring  has described the approval of Karl Kum University, the upgrading of ANAN to a University of Accountancy and the establishment of Federal Polytechnic Shendam by the Federal Government as a blessing to Plateau state.

In a goodwill message to Plateau people for the blessing bestowed on the state through these educational institutions, Nde Gotring said he is optimistic that the name of Plateau will be further written in gold looking at the great calibre of persons the state has produced in the past and will still do with the new developments.

He therefore called on the good and peace loving people of Plateau to make good use of the educational institutions for the betterment of mankind and God since Karl Kumm is a brainwork of the church and mission.

Nde Gotring also used the opportunity to thank the Federal Government for its approval and was full of appreciation to the Church of Christ in Nations(COCIN) for giving a deep thought to education. He also thanked the people in government who worked tirelessly to see that this approval came into being and prayed God to reward all who in one way or the other assisted in making this cheering gifts a reality.