By Daniel Dauda,Jos The most Rev. Matthew Ishaya Audu have taken mantle of leadership as the brand new Archbishop of Catholic Archdiocese of Jos. The incoming Archbishop Audu who held from Lafia Archdiocese, Nasarawa State was appointed Catholic Archdiocese of Jos by His Holiness Pope Francis on the 6th January, 2020, following the elevation of most Rev. Ignatius Ayau Kaigama as the Archbishop of Abuja diocese. The mass of installation of Archbishop Matthew Ishaya Audu which held at Our Lady of Fatima cathedral, Jos, is low-key due to global COVID-19 pandemic. According to Apostolic Nuncio"our Holy father, Pope Francis has chosen you to be the shepherd of the people of the church of the Archdiocese of Jos, with prayerful confidence and trust, I hand to you a pastoral staff as a sign of the office of shepherd. "May the Lord sustain you, as you watch over His flock of this Archdiocese to which the spirit has assigned you as Archbishop to serve the church of God." Receiving the pastoral staff, the incoming Archbishop Ishaya Audu vowed to work in accordance with the Catholic doctrine. "With faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and with love of God in my heart, I accept the pastoral of the people of God in the Archdiocese of Jos entrusted to me in stewardship. I resolved to serve faithfully the church in this Archdiocese." He calls for unity of purpose, noting that he is sent by God through the entire people of Plateau and Nigeria as a whole devoid of personal interest or sectionalism. He applauded his predecessor, Bishop Kaigama for initiating different programs aim at deepening peace. On his part, the outgoing Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama said all I did for Jos Archdiocese as Archbishop and lately as Apostolic Administrator, was in the interest of progress, harmony and growth in the spiritual, pastoral and social spheres. " For those who were happy with my decisions as pastoral initiatives, please continue to be happy and for some who were offended or hurt by my pastoral decisions, may God bring healing and relief. "I pray that our modest achievements will be improved upon in the years to come by you and your new pastoral leadership." He stated. Bishop Ignatius Kaigama spent about twenty years incharged of Catholic Archdiocese of Jos.