Publishers of the NewsGate Magazine, the NewsCrest Newspaper, the News Parrot,the Grassroots Magazine and the reporters of the Age Newspaper,the FRCN,the SkyNews Newspaper and the Information Officer of the Plateau State Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board were in Riyom LGC for the assessment of the compliance of the Plateau State Government directive for a total lockdown in the State.
We spoke to the Chairman of Riyom LGC, Hon Mafeng Gwallson, the IT and Digital Compliant Chairman, who spoke on the level of adherence to the order by the State Government.He hinted that there some level of compliance with few arrests and convictions. He equally raised fundamental questions about the payment of the Social Intervention Programme to the people of Riyom LGA and promised to follow up with the appropriate quarters after the lockdown.
Gwallson spoke on very important issues in the interview.

Do enjoy the Excerpts:

NewsGate Magazine: We are monitoring the compliance of the total lockdown by the Governor. How has it been with Riyom LGC so far?

Chairman: We have had a time table for the lockdown which has been changed. Initially the movement was between 7am and 6pm, as at yesterday and it has changed drastically to a total lockdown. Here we are in Riyom observing what is happening. The day is cool and rainy,which helps in a way in ensuring the lockdown. I'm sure when you passed the Riyom LG headquarters was like a ghost town.I believe that the more orientation they had the more welcome the idea the Government had to ensure lockdown.
We had some people coming through from other states through Bush paths created evading Military and Security checkpoints. What we have done is to go ahead of them and put police where they made the Bush paths so they will be caught in the act. When they are caught the next thing is to hand them over to the inaugurated mobile court to try them.As at now the court have convicted 10 different people. Those who came from different states have been fined and sent back.We believe there will be more people trying to get in not respecting the Executive order given by the Government.We will try to make sure they do not come through here even if they beat other places. If they are tried and convicted, they will be asked to pay fines, refusal to pay these fines will be taken to prison.

NewsGate: Sir, do you have some testing kits here? So that those who pass will be tested before going into the city.

Chairman: We do not have places where people can be tested for having the Covid 19. But we have a collaboration with state where thermometers can be used for screening those coming into the state, even those doing essential services. If the person's temperature is high, other tests like malaria and others will he done as rapid tests and also check their travel histories, ask them a few questions and that might determine if they are allowed to pass or go straight to the hospital.
Everyone who is passing through our borders have their phone numbers collected by us to know where they are coming from or going to. The reason they pass through our borders will help in doing a follow up on the people for any reason they are suspected.

Newsgate: Sir, the last time you tested about 11,000 people in a day , can you give us an estimated number of those tested so far who entered the border of Plateau State through Riyom LGA?

Chairman: The numbers have been staggering since the lockdown, when it was a partial lockdown we tested 11,000 people, some days 8000, some 7000 but immediately we started lockdown the number drastically reduced to about 2,700 people. As at now the number might drop to 500.
 We don't know the exact number of those people performing essential services but I'm sure that as the current lockdown is going on these essential service individuals will not reach 500 per day.

Newsgate: We understand the state in collaboration with the Local Government are looking at the aspect of of palliative measures. What is your local Government Council doing  and what other challenges have you faced during the total lockdown?

Chairman: The issues of the palliative measures are for us all. I am happy His Excellency announced before the media about palliative measures and as the Local Government we have taken some steps in achieving it, we are procuring and start giving to people. I am very happy to announce that we have some other spirited individuals who have made donations to the Local Government  which are food stuffs and others, those that are donated by the Federal, State and Local Government will be added to the palliative and share to people. We can start with whatever we have now, because it wouldn't go round for now but a as soon as the rest comes from the Federal and State,it will be shared equally to everyone. We are also working with people in the Office of the Special Assistant to the Government on Special Intervention Programme,Dr. Summaya Hamza.We are working on the data collected on the Local Government, I am aware that they have captured 2000 people in the Local Government,there are 5000 people who are vulnerable without Intervention.We will follow up with those names, because they were generated by the Community.It was done by the Community because they know the most vulnerable. We want every vulnerable persons to get the palliative from the Government.

NewsGate: Do you have anything you would like to speak about?

Chairman: While the Covid 19 is a global pandemic, we pray this is the worse its going to be. For those diagnosed we pray for God's healing, we also pray there wouldn't be any case in Plateau State.
We should look at other problems beyond the Pandemic like global issues, global crisis  and others. I ask all those that create things that aid in better living,to  continue to do so. It would be appreciated. We appreciate William Gyang for what he has done and others like him to come and contribute in whatever way possible. For those in the rural communities the most way it will hit us after is Fertilizer, due to closure of borders.Fertilizers will become a problem. We hope that those people who have ingenuity, can think outside the box and see how they can come up with ways to help live better lives. I have said it without fear that some people use the crisis to start businesses  like production of face masks, hand sanitizers and other things. This actually brings opportunities and I hope our people will make these opportunities a way to make lives better.