Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria, Plateau State Chapter have submitted a position paper to the Plateau State Government on the proposed kick off of COVID 19 Testing Centre in Jos.

Led by Dr. Bala Dennis Ntugul, the Chairman of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists on the Plateau, the Association was received at the Government House by the Secretary to the Government of the State, Prof Danladi A. Atu on behalf of the Plateau State Government.

While lending it's voice to the fight against Covid 19, the Association made and donated hand wash and containers produced to prevent the populace from touching the head of the tap by using the feet to open the tap.

Dr. Ntugul mentioned that about 200 pieces of handwash plus soap in a container of 200mls were donated in addition to 6 water containers and another 6 connected to the walls after washing the hand, and that the  association has also produced flyers, to be distributed to the public on the Corona virus with pictures that shows the preventive measures for contacting the virus.

In his words, "we also presented a position on the issue of testing so that when it comes to testing, it lies on the shoulder of the Laboratory Scientists to do that and we had set a Committee which have given the Association a response where we will submit to the Government; knowing fully that by next week it will commence on the Plateau as we heard from the state Government.

 We are pleading that the Government should identify these centers so that the testing will commence immediately". According to him, there are three centers in Plateau State, namely; the old JUTH, Plateau State Specialist Hospital, and the National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom and that the Ad-hoc Committee set up by the association has already come up with a position paper and thus, will submit same for the three centres for the testing of the Covid 19.

Recieving the Reports on behalf of Plateau State Government, the Secretary to the Government of the State, Prof. Danladi A. Atu promised to actively collaborate with the Association to ensure that the State remains COVID19 free.
Prof Atu acknowledged that for the first time since the Corona Virus pandemic started, the State is getting a professional and intellectual contribution, adding that this demonstration of ingenuity is worthy of emulation.

He added that the State Government is ready to partner with the Association as prevention still remains the only option since the State does not have the capacity to frontally defeat the scourge.

Professor James Garba Damen, Chairman of the Sub- Committee of Medical Facility Management and Health Services for Covid 19 on the Plateau, while speaking to The NewsGate Magazine said that as a professional body, they are advocating for testing centers in the Plateau and that they've gone round and submitted a result  for Government to key into.

He explained that "what is being done even at the national level is that, the key issue with the Covid 19 is the diagnosis for identifying people that are affected. This can only be done in the laboratory. As it is said the laboratory is the engine room of the hospital and that is where diseases are fought and won so you can't do without the laboratory.That is what we are doing all over the nation.As the National Secretary of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists ofNigeria, is to ensure that some of our members that are willing to give in their time and effort in terms of the diagnosis".

"The key thing is that the testing centres we have in this country are grossly inadequate but we have the man power because our members are willing to participate, all that we need is that the Government should have the Political will to upgrade the laboratories in the country with the necessary equipment and also to provide the necessary requirements, for example the personal protective equipment for us to conduct tests and other operations.Our members are willing and they have the capacity".

"What we have done is to give the Government the correct situation professionally from a lab. that have the potential for the investigation as we have submitted,  based on our recommendations all that the government will need to do, once there is support given then our members can work. Our members are well trained in molecular biology, they just need a two hour orientation on the protocol that is adopted by the Federal Government of  Nigeria".