By Daniel Dauda, Jos

Arising from incessant abuse and sexual molestation meted on women and children Nationwide, groups raised alarm calling for government at all levels to rise to the occasion of domesticating gender based Violence(GBV) law to curb the menace.

The professional bodies under the categories of Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), in collaboration with National Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), International Federation of Women Lawyers(FIDA) Nigeria and other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)and Non-governmental organizations(NGOs) demands government declaration of state of emergency on GBV across all States of the federation.

The concerned groups which besiege Plateau State House of Assembly in a peaceful and we'll coordinated protest, carrying placards of different inscriptions advocate that perpetrators should brought to justice.

Speaking at the state Assembly complex, chairperson of FIDA Plateau state, Mary Abah Izam confirm that the instant happening on rape across the nation is alarming, as they recorded about 20 cases of rape and other domestic violence.

She recommended that all States should ensure that they have in place the enacted laws or have reviewed their laws to deal with the menace adequately.

"We call for the implementation of the violence against persons prohibition(VAPP) Act, the child rights law and other related law. All States that have not adopted the VAPP Act should with utmost urgency adopt the Act." She urged.

Responding on behalf of the speaker of 9th Assembly, Nuhu Abok, the chairman House committee on women Affairs and social Development, Esther Simi Dusu said women are blessing not a curse, expressed dismayed "but unfortunately they are encountering incessant abuse, marginalization and other forms of violence.

She assured 9th Assembly commitment and resilience towards meeting the yarnings and aspiration of women, noting that there is law for the protection of girl child which is awaiting domestication.

As a matter of public urgency, the law maker advocates for national register of the perpetrators of gender based Violence which will help in tracing them.