Rarin-Sho community in Barkin-Ladi Local Government Area of Plateau State was disserted by the members of the community following the brutal attack that engulfed Gashish District on 23-06-2018 which left several persons death and many properties distroyed. Since then, the people had been scattered among other neighbouring communities and had not been able to return home. No effort has ever been made in the pass for their home return. So they had to stay back leaving their fate in the hands of God.

The previous administration in Barkin-Ladi had promised to restore the community back, but that had remained only on lips service. Recently, serious efforts have been made to get the people back to their homes by Hon. Barrister Ezekiel Mandyau, the Management Committee Chairman of Barkin-Ladi Local Government Council.

The Chairman visited the abandoned community on Tuesday, as part of efforts to restore the community. He said the visit is to have an on the spot assessment of the community and also dialogue with relevant stakeholders as part of mordalities for the return of the displaced persons.

Mandyau said, his administration has made all necessary arrangements to deploy security measures to safeguard members of the Rarin-Sho community. "We have seen the condition of the community and we have to put in place all the necessary mechanism before the people will begin to return hopefully, latest next week".

"People must learn to accommodate each other and settle differences amicably. He further reinterieted that, As members of one nation, we must seek ways of understanding, of building bridges to one another based on a solid foundation of truth. I ask all to reflect on the reality that violence only begets more violence. We must work together to fight poverty, unemployment and illitracy that has been our major challenge.  This crises has gone on for too long and we beg that it must be stopped for the common good of all"- Mandyau said.

He appreciated the itch of the people to return to their homes but would not allow any situation that would put them in harm's way. He however commended the officers and men of the Special Taskforce (STF) for all their sacrifices in ensuring that we still have Rarin-Sho and all other displaced communities in Barkin-Ladi.

The Chairman said, "We have come with the Sector 4 Commander specifically to cross pollinate ideas on how the officers and men of the STF will sustain the emerging peace in Rarin-Sho and environs.

On his part, the Sector 4 Commander said "the general security situation in Barkin-Ladi is relatively calm and call on the people to be prepared to return home without fear noting that, all necessary security arrangements to safeguard the community is already in place. He said as from today our men will be stationed here to begin to ensure the safety of returnees. The commandant, applauded the management Committee Chairman for the support his team is receiveing from him which he said, has eased up their own operations.

The Da Gwom Rwei of Gwol, Da Edward Gyang Mashat while responding said, he is pleased with the development and call on the members of the community to eschew peace and be ready to coexist with one another.

The youth leader Rarin-Sho community, Mr Samuel Madu in his response said, the people relocated out of the community as a result of fear which immanated from the Gashish attack of June, 2018, adding that the people are ready to go back to their homes. He however appreciated the Management Committee Chairman for his thoughtfulness towards them and promised that, history and posterity will not forget him.

Mallam Isa Galadima, responded on behalf of the Fulani community saying, they welcome the return of members of the Rarin-Sho community. The Fulani were not happy that the people left their homes and called on them to return home promising that, they are ready to coexist together with them as peace loving people and suggested that all ethnic nationalities resident within the area will work together as vigilante to ensure no one or group of persons intrudes into the community to cause any havoc.

It's on record that, Hon. Barrister Ezekiel Mandyau's first assignment as the Management Committee Chairman of Barkin-Ladi, was the relocation and reintegration of the IDPs in Gashish District to their original abode. Mandyau is working tiredlessly to build bridges of tolerance, understanding and respect across religious and ethnic divides in Barkin-Ladi.