Hopes are high that the end may be in sight for the Ethno-Religious Killings and Fulani Invasion going on in Nigeria.

This is as President Donald Trump on June 2, 2020 signed an *Executive Order on the Advancement of International Religious Freedom.*

This Executive Order in which President Trump described International Religious Freedom as a National Security Imperative and a Foreign Policy Priority for the United States, sets Timelines for when Definitive Steps would have to be initiated for requisite Actions by various Departments of the United States Government in :
(i) Countries of Particular Concern;
(ii) Countries on the US Special Watch-List;
(iii) Countries in which there are Entities of Particular Concern;
(iv) Countries that have engaged in, or tolerated Violations of Religious Freedom.

It is noteworthy that Nigeria features prominently in the four Specified Categories of the Countries targeted by this Executive Order being that:

(i) Nigeria got on the US Special Watch List for Gross Infractions on Religious Freedom in December 2019 and was subsequently moved into the Category of Country of Special Concern.

(ii) Nigeria is cited as hosting two of the top four most deadly Global Terror Organizations namely Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen as well as ISWAP which emerged as the West African Franchise of ISIS since 2014;

(iii) The Federal Government of Nigeria and the Armed Security Forces of Nigeria had been repeatedly cited for not only tolerating Religious Violence but for actively colluding  with the Perpetrators of Killings and other Associated Violence.

It would be recalled that the August/September 2019 Visitation and Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Nigeria regarding widespread Extra-Judicial Killings in Nigeria, reached the Damning Verdict that Nigeria’s Constitutional Arrangements were like a Pressure-Cooker for Injustice which  now pose a grave danger to the global Community unless addressed expeditiously.

The continuing onslaught of the Murderous Fulani Invaders in the Middle-Belt Territories of Nigeria as well as the Massive influx of suspicious-looking Fulani migrants from the Far North into Southern Nigerian during the Countrywide Covid-19 Lockdown Imposed and enforced by the Federal Government of Nigeria are clear pointers to the aforementioned Federal Government/Security Forces collusion with the Perpetrators of Violence.

With this Executive Order coming just ahead the impending Constitutional Force Majeure, the LNC and it’s MNN Alliance Partners consider the signing of the Order as a Major Breakthrough in the Matrix of Strategies already deployed by the Alliance to Contain and Permanently Halt the Violent Invasion of the Homelands of Indigenous Nationalities of Nigeria, especially in the Southern and Middle-Belt Territories of Nigeria by the Murderous Fulani Invaders, while the Caliphate -Controlled  “Federal Government of Nigeria” and it’s Armed Security Services looked the other way.

It would be recalled that sequel the January 17, 2019 Emergency Press Conferences on Nigeria at the National Press Club in Washington DC, (see link : https://youtu.be/ss2sz6sWIcw ), the LNC led Presentations on the Nigerian Situation at the International Religious Freedom Ministerial Roundtables between June and July of 2019 in the US Congress on Capitol Hill, where it Dismantled the False Narrative of Farmers/Herdsmen Clashes and also made a Case for the Appointment of a US Special Envoy to Nigeria for the purpose of Leading and Coordinating US Response to the fast degenerating Terror-Driven Security situation in Nigeria and the wider Lake Chad Basin. Current US Focus and Policy Actions on Nigeria are largely informed by these Presentations made in the Policy Beltways of Washington.

One of the Presentations dissected the Complex Security Problems of Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin and also advanced a Comprehensive Solution Proposition under the title : “UNGOVERNED SPACES AS BREEDING GROUNDS FOR GLOBAL TERROR” (see link: https://www.facebook.com/618603708275794/posts/1921618994640919/ )


For this Watershed Milestone, the LNC wishes to express its Profound Gratitude to Mr Frank Gaffney and his Team from the US Center for Security Policy, particularly Ms Dede Laugesen and Steve Enada for their tenacity, invaluable guidance and facilitation.

The LNC also extends its gratitude to the indefatigable Veteran Congressman Frank Wolf for the immeasurable support he lent to the LNC in the push towards Concrete US Actions on the International Religious Freedom Act, (most deservedly named the Frank R Wolf International Religious Freedom Act), for the years of his Labour of Love for Potential Beneficiaries of US-Sanctioned Religious Freedom around the Globe including we who are currently trapped in the Distressed Federation of Nigeria.

As we eagerly await the Appointment of a US Special Envoy for Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin, the LNC and it’s MNN Alliance Partners are confident that this Executive Order has set the Stage for the Resolution of the Complex Nigerian Situation

Tony Nnadi.
Lower Niger Congress
June 5, 2020.