Cautions against attributing sources of attacks to particular tribes,religions

Says bad eggs exist in every community, society

Commends OPSH on timely response,averting escalation 

Peace advocacy group in Plateau State under the aegis of Coalition of Plateau Peace Advocates,COPPA,has condemned the brutal killing of the District Head of Foron in Barkin Ladi Local Council of the state,His Royal Highness, Da Bulus Chuwang Jang, by some unknown gunmen.

The group described the action of the killers as not only wicked but also callous,saying it deserved condemnations by all.

The group,in a statement made available to newsmen on  Friday and signed by its Executive Director, Dr Pam Dung Gyang and Secretary,Rev. Danjuma Maiwazi,condoled with the family,the people and government of Plateau State over the death of the monarch,saying its 'heart' was with the bereaved.

"We condemned in the strongest terms the unfortunate, wicked  and unjustifiable killing of the Acting District Head of Foron  in Barkin Ladi Local Government Council of Plateau State, His Royal Highness, Da Bulus Chuwang Jang, by Unknown gunmen. This is unfortunate and should be condemned by all.

"We express our deepest condolences to the family, people and government of Plateau State over this great loss. Our heart is with them," it said.

It,however, commended Operation Safe Haven,OPSH Sector 4 Command,which it noted,responded swiftly to the attack that claimed the life of  traditional ruler, saying devastating attacks could have occurred with escalating consequences if troops had not acted promptly.

"We sincerely commend the officers and men of Operation Safe Haven (OPSH) sector 4 Command for their swift response to the village despite the bad terrain. This singular act of gallantly and professionalism averted more casualties. 

 "If our security agencies respond to distress call  in this manner,  crimes will be reduced to the barest minimum."

It called on perpetrators of evils in the state to give peace a chance just as it asked those it described as "merchants of crises" to give peace a chance.

COPPA said it was worried over the consistent branding of some particular tribes or religions as attackers or terrorists in the state,tasking people to desist from such act as according to it,such was only a recipe not only for crisis but also for disharmony among the diverse ethnic groups in the state.

According to the group,there are bad people in every society hence the need to stop branding a particular tribe as attackers.

It said:"As peace advocates in Plateau State and beyond,  we want to use this medium to call on some crisis merchants to give peace a chance. We are greatly worried at their consistent attempts to take us back to Egypt. We wish to in similar manner call on their agents who are fond of posting reports laced with bias and sentiments in the social media with the view to achieving premeditated end, to give peace a chance.

"We note with regret,the recurring trends of attributing sources of crimes in the state to a particular tribe. There is no denying the fact that criminal elements are found in every community or society anywhere in the whole world hence it is not only morally but also professionally and spiritually wrong to accuse any tribe or religion of being responsible for crimes that are still being investigated by relevant constituted authorities.

"People should restrain themselves from jumping to conclusions in attributing sources of crimes. This is because such actions only inflame passion thus resulting in dire consequences inimical to peaceful and harmonious living among the different ethnic and religious groups in the state.

" This  act can only deepen hatred and mistrust among the diverse ethnic and religious groups and must be discouraged for the interest of peace."

The group said,"People must not play tribal or religious cards with fake news that can threaten  peace and our cooperate existence because they want to be seen as heroes of their communities." 

"This  conduct is counter productive and can ignite crisis," it warned.

The group said:"The proper thing to do is to work together to defeat crime and criminality whenever there’s an incident instead of accusing and branding one particular tribe as terrorists and criminals as we all have criminals amongst us,"adding:" Until we put sentiments aside and work towards genuine peace,the much needed peace will continue to elude us."

" As stakeholders in the state's peace process,our position is borne out patriotism, justice,equity and fairness. We are not holding brief for any group in the state,"the peace advocacy group clarified.

It called on the "general  public to ignore fake news peddlers and work together to sustain the existing peace on the Plateau." 

"We wish to encourage people to give timely and accurate information to security agencies so they can do their work to our delight," it advised.

It added:"On the other hand,we task the security agencies to  track the perpetrators of these evils,especially the killers of the revered traditional ruler. They should be smoked out and made to face the full wrath of the law in no distant time."