The APC Youths online forum is an umbrella body of all progressive Youths on the Plateau and beyond, the body is vouchsafed with sole responsibilities of emancipating, liberating and guiding youths with diverse interest under one platform so as to promote Peace, Unity and good Governance on social media. APC youth online came into existence in the early 2017 with State officials which saw the necessity of extending its network to the grassroots which led to the  appointment of 17 LGA Coordinators in Plateau State with a membership base estimated in thousands who are caught across the 17 Local Government Areas  of Plateau State. This platform held a 1-Day Security Symposium on the September, 12th 2020. The theme of the symposium was: *_Kanam in the face of new security challenges; the role of youths as catalyst for peace_.* It was aimed at fostering institutional, Community, organisational and individuals mechanisms and concerted efforts that would promote process of curbing the challenges of growing spate of kidnapping in the Local Government in recent history thereby leading to peace building process. Realising the the threats to National security, Socioeconomic development and their legal consequences at these different Spheres of our social life.

Participants at the symposium were drawn from different works of life and interest groups ranging from Traditional leaders, Local Government authority, Community Development Associations, Religion Leaders, Market and Traders Unions, Teachers Union, Motorcycle Association, Youths Organisations, Tribal Association, Motor park unions among many others.

In the course of deliberations, suggestions and extracts from the recommendation by keynote speakers' papers presentations on topical issue and participants at the symposium noted the following:

1. The spate of kidnapping in the Local Government is indeed on the rise and worrisome. This is despite the efforts by the Local Government Authority, Security operatives and Community vigilante. The significant causes are due to insecurity and abysmal security presence, Unemployment, Prevalence of illicit drugs and drug addiction, Poverty, Idleness,   Farm disputes, underfunding of Local Government Authority among other remote causes.

2. The kidnappers' targets  are mostly royal fathers and those perceived to be wealthy for payment of huge amount of money as ransom. That between March 2020 and August 2020, there has been about 10 recorded/confirmed cases of kidnapping in Kanam where ransoms were paid at different financial degrees/charges for the release of the captives. 

3. The requisite attention for human development and capacity building through vocational training of the idle and unemployed Youths, reinforcement of manpower of the security operatives and proper fundings has not been given utmost priority as should be which has undermined the security sufficiency, hence the persistent prevalence of kidnapping.

4. That our Youths are not properly groomed to becoming catalysts and blocks for peace and security through functional community peace and security architecture that is all inclusive and purpose driven thereby helping them to discover, develop and build their personal aspirations in life. In doing so there will be tolerate to other people's traditions, creeds and beliefs forming a new phalanx of peace Ambassadors amongst themselves. These sees the urgent need for such to be given an attention.

5. That some intoxicating social media comments has led to variations of security breaches and criminality in Nigeria including kidnapping, hence the proper utilisation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) handles such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc is key and must be utilised as an instrumentality and medium for preaching Love, Respect and Mutual understanding voiding hate speeches and derogations.

6. Infrastructural development as a panacea for addressing the menace of kidnapping and other related security issues facing the Local Governments. This includes; provision of portable driving water, road networks, constructions of schools, healthcare facilities, rural electrification, expansion of markets, provision of framing and farm implements and equipment that will boost local businesses and enhance self-development that will check crime and criminality rates in the Local government.

7. There's an urgent need to  revitalise and strengthen Community-security relationship and creation of viable and reliable communication network between community, traditional leaders and security operatives which will help in rapid reportage and response in any case of emergency security breach. This will serve as an early warning mechanism.

8. Our moral institutions and religion instructor/leaders have very key roles in restoration of ethical values and norms in our localities. Youths must imbibe the spirit of hard-work and dignity of labour as a centerpiece of moral standards.

a.  participants also observed that the V.I.Ps should trade with caution in trying to flaunt their wealth as doing so is likely to attract the attention and tendencies of criminals invasion thereby making them potential victims of kidnapping

9. That strict adherence to registration of all active mobile lines by Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) and all network service providers should be taken seriously. This will facilitate easy tracking of location of the kidnappers as their communications can also be easily traced or  intercepted.

10.  Curtailment of proliferation of small arms and light ammunitions by improving our porous border surveillance and reconnaissance, revisitation of border issue between Kanam and Wase LGA as intelligent suggestions has indicated that, the kidnapping syndicates are traced towards that location. This will ensure minimisation of continues increase in the influxes of fire arms been used by the perpetrators/kidnappers

11. Settings up special Courts, Judges and IPOs specifically for purpose of trial, prosecution and severe sentencing of kidnappers. This is to ensure rapid service of justice thereby serving as deterrence to any prospectives. It will also encourage special legislation and policy formations at different tiers of the Government empowering all law enforcement and security agencies.

12. Needs to harmonize the yearnings and aspiration of our people especially on matters of security which can be channeled easily to Government through an established body such as Plateau Peace Building Agency which saddled with such responsibility and is aimed at promoting culture of Peace and harmonious relationship among our diversities as a people.


The participants expressed their appreciation at the work done so far at different tiers of Governments and other stakeholders in trying to curb the menace of kidnapping in the Local Government, also expressing their gratification to the convener of the symposium, the leadership of APC o youth online forum, Kanam LGA for organising such an important and timely program, they agreed to establish and give Government and all security stakeholders every necessary support needed to ensure that lasting solution is provided in curtailing kidnapping in the Local Government Area.


1. Executive Governor Plateau State.

2. Speaker Plateau State House of Assembly, 

3. Chairman, Kanam traditional council.

4. Executive chairman Kanam LGA

5. Commsioner of Police, plateau state command.

6. Direcror, State security service plateau state

7. Commandant, Nigeria security and civil Defence Corp plateau state.

8. State investigation bureau SIB

9. Commandant, operation safe Heaven, Jos.

10. Commandant, vigilante group

11. All Kanam community Development Associations

12. All trade unions and youth groups.

13. The general public.