I, Comrade Dauda A. Aku,  Presidential Aspirant in the forth coming Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) Plateau State Chapter Elections wishes felicitate and congratulate the brand new Local Government Executives of our great union who emerged victorious after a peaceful, fair and credible elections held on Friday, September 25th, 2020 across the the 17 Local Government Areas of Plateau State.

As you embark on this journey of strengthening our union and defending the rights and priviledges of Local Government Employees in Plateau State, may your hearts be always on the side of truth and justice. 

 I urge you all to perform your duties with compassion and humility as leadership is all about selfless service.

Congratulations, have a hitch free and successful tenure in office.

Signed: Comrade Dauda A. Aku,

NULGE Presidential Aspirant,

Plateau State.