The world is full of aspiring political leaders but sadly, very few live up to the leadership ideals. In fact, many political leaders seem to severely lack some of the most important leadership qualities, such as love, respect and intergrity. It's  no coincidence that for many people, the word “politician” has such negative connotations! However, history and present day shows us that there are still a few who come close to the leadership ideals.

Hon. Jock D. Alamba, the Management Committee Chairman of Barkin-Ladi LGC is a pace setter, a kind man whose passion for public service transcends political party lines, his love for the people he is serving cannot be overemphasized.

On Sunday, September 20th, 2020, Hon. Jock D. Alamba in his usual humility and love for the good people of Barkin-Ladi LGA led other political stakeholders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) from Heipang District of Barkin-Ladi on a condolence visit to five (5) families all in  Heipang District who lost their loved once recently. 

At the five houses visited, the Chairman encouraged the bereaved families to take what has happened to them as the will of Almighty God. He reminded the families that; all human beings are designed to leave this world one day. Hon. Jock prayed God to grant the departed souls eternal rest.

Speaking separately at the different houses through family representatives, the families expressed happiness with the Management Committee Chairman for identifying with them at the moment of their bereavement while noting that this is the first of it's kind for a Local Government Chairman to pay such visit to people whom are tagged as a "nobody" in the society.

The Chairman and his entourage converged to the All Progressives Congress (APC) Party office at Heipang where he addressed the team. Hon. Jock appreciated the team saying he was impressed with the turnout despite the short notice.

Responding on behalf of the entourage, a former Commissioner Hon. Bulus Bot described Hon. Jock D. Alamba as a grassroot man and and lover of the people. He therefore, thanked the chairman for the encouraging visit saying; the visit has added more impetus for the growth of the Party in Heipang District.

In the entourage are; two former Commissioners to the Government of Plateau State (Hon. Bulus Bot and Hon. Peter Mwadkon), APC LGA Chairman Barkin-Ladi, Councilors representing Pwomol/Chit and Heipang wards, Party Exco and Stakeholders.

Team, Jock Media & Publicity