
I,with utmost respect for the biggest Youth Online Forum in the State wish to humbly tender my resignation from the Forum as an EXCO member in Kanke Local Government Area. This is indeed a hard decision to make as the Forum through my office have a lineup of events to ensure that not just APC Youths but the Youths in the Council are more united.

This choice is necessitated by the call,consultations and decision to represent the Youths of our great Council in the Plateau Youths Council (PYC).

I am particularly honored and distinguished to be identified by the Congress of APC Youths Online Forum in my Local Council to serve as the Organizing Secretary.The appointment was indeed an indication of the recognition of my little efforts in contributing to the victory of the Party in the Area. An opportunity and a privilege to serve,which I wholeheartedly committed myself to. 

The period of my short stay have trained me in ways beyond my expectations,helped me in gathering experience and further exposed me politically for which I am eternally grateful.

In order of continuance and party progress,I wish to refer

-Mr Gotep Gaksawe Tampi. 

(A dogged party man that have paid his dues and worthy of recognition).

A referral valid by the adoption of the EXCOs & General Assembly

As another call behoves,especially one that is meant to be nonpartisan,an exit from party activities of any sort will be the moral justification of my conviction.

I want to specially appreciate the support and guidance of  stakeholders and party lovers whom have been of great help to the Forum and encourage them to continue to do more.

Yours faithfully,


*Long Live the APC Youths Online Forum Kanke*

*Long Live the APC Youths Online Forum Plateau State.*

To the Coordinator,

APC Youths Online Forum,Kanke.

Cc: Secretary,APC Youths Online Forum Kanke.

Cc: State Secretary,APC Youths Online Forum.