The Plateau Central Youth Advocacy for Democracy and Good Governance (PLACEYADAGG) commends the Member of the Pankshin, Kanke, Kanam in the Green Chamber of the National Assembly, Rt. Hon. Yusuf Gagdi for the distribution of forty five million naira (#45,000,000) interest-free loan and the distribution of fifty (50) wheel chairs to physically challenged constituents.

You will recall that the Honorable member has, on the 14th day of November 2020, launched an APC party secretariat at Kanam L.G.A. where he also disbursed the sum of #45,000,000 interest free loans to women and youths in his constituency and distributed 50 wheel chairs to physically challenged constituents.

In addition, PLACEYADAGG is proud to identify with Gagdi as the member that secured up to 284 jobs for the youths, renovated classroom blocks in kor, awarded scholarships to students and sponsored the Police Act Bill which became the first bill to be signed into law by the president in 2020, among many others.

According to the advocacy group, such ingenuous benevolence could not have come at any other time than now that the people are struggling to survive the excruciating hunger and hardship imposed on them by the COVID-19 pandemic. While urging the Hon. Member to remain focus and resolute in the discharge of his legislative and oversight functions, PLACEYADAGG beckons on other political leaders in the zone and the state at large to emulate the worthy gestures in making governance more impactful to the people. 

PLACEYADAGG shall continue to keep abreast of the activities and performances of public office holders in the interest of democracy and good governance, and in order to ensure that public office holders do not derail from their legitimate and constitutional responsibilities.


Sign:- Kwarsen Andokplang Gideon 

Chairman Plateau Central Youths Advocacy for Democracy and Good Governance  (PLACEYADAGG) 

