It is with deep shock and sorrow, I received the news of the passage of an Elder Statesman, Patriotic Personality, Engineer Jimmy Zingtim Cheto, Jarumi Langtang which occurred at the early hour of Saturday 16th January, 2021 after a protracted illness. This is a great lost to Tarok Nation and entire Plateau People. 

The rate death this days has called for serious concerns but we cannot question God when He clearly told us in His word that there is time for everything under the Heaven and the Earth as in the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

The message centers on God’s ultimate authority in Heaven and on Earth. Human beings have mastered many things in this world, but some elements of our existence are beyond our control. We cannot conquer time. God is the one who appoints each moment which as mortals we are uncontrollable obliged by the power of the nature.

Our lives contain a mixture of joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, harmony and struggle, and then life and death. Each season has its appropriate time in the cycle of life of mankind. Nothing stays the same, and we, as God’s children, must learn to accept and adjust to the will and flow of God’s creation. Some seasons are difficult which we are facing now and we may not understand what God is doing. In these times, we must humbly submit to the Lord's plans and trust that He is working out his good purposes to mankind. I am saddened with the demise of an Elder Statesman a great personality who always stood his grounds against injustice for a better Plateau State.

As it clearly stated by the Holy Book that there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under Heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, which we experience the exit of an Elder Statesman, Engr. Jimmy Zingtim Cheto. The world is a temporal place for us as mortals, there is great place prepared for mankind who believed and trust in the Lord to live there after death ( John 14:3)

As believers, we should be rest assure that when we die we will live in paradise with the Lord where there will be no more crying, pain, and stress.

Late Engineer Jimmy Cheto was a patriotic Plateau who has impacted positively in the lives of many people especially Plateau Sons and daughters when he was Director of Works in the Federal Capital Development Authority, FCTA, Abuja before he joined politics and contested for governorship in 2007. Among those he empowered are working in various government ministries and parasatals included FCDA Abuja.

I am deeply pained by his departure and pray for the repose of his soul and hope that Almighty God will comfort his immediate family and entire Tarok Nation the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable loss.

May his soul rest in peace Amen.

TN Timkat

National Coordinator

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)
