Hon. Shehu Bala Usman management committee chairman Jos North LGA

A group under the auspices of Youths and students vanguard in Jos North Local Government Area have commended the leadership quality of Hon.Shehu Bala Usman for working assiduously to ensure peace and justice.

The group which is an association of like-minds, said they are working together to protect and sustain the peaceful coexistence as their constitutional mandate and contributions to good governance in Jos North Local Government and Plateau as a whole.

The group said were suffered both academically and economically as a result of ASUU strike and COVID-19 pandemic, noting they will not tolerate any deliberate obstacle that will jeopardize our peaceful coexistence in Jos North and by extension Plateau State.

According to the press release jointly signed by chairman and secretary of the group, Comrades Theophilus Yakubu and Salisu Audu said" as youths and students, we have resolved to contribute our quota to governance by resisting any obstacle that will disrupt our meaningful peace and economic development as a people.

"We follow keenly the ugly development that almost disrupted the collective effort of our peaceful coexistence by taking the cardinal principle of this administration backward which is justice and peace".

The group further condemn in totality the uncivilized and inhuman action of the men of operation safe Haven, STF, against some Youths which led to their injuries.

"We pray for their quick recovery and equally commend Hon. Shehu Bala Usman for his quick intervention by visiting the injured Youths and settling their hospital bills.

The group which is also a non-tribal, non-religious and non-political body applauded the management committee chairman for conceptualizing a ten man committee on East of Bauchi Ring Road which have finished and equally submitted their report recently.

"While they bring their report, we are calling on all citizens of Jos North to be ready to uphold the outcome of the report for peace to reign.

"We want to commend all stakeholders and Hon. Bala Usman who have insisted that this dispute can best be resolved through dialogue. This is truly in line with the Barr. Simon Lalong administration", the group voiced out.

The group also charged management committee chairman of Jos North, Shehu Bala Usman to as a matter of urgency ensure the immediate implementation of East of Bauchi Ring Road report with utmost sincerity for amicable peaceful resolution in the locality.